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ENDANGERED BIRDS- Birds of Paradise

29 Agustus 2024   20:25 Diperbarui: 29 Agustus 2024   20:34 57
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BIRDS OF PARADISE [Paradisae Apoda]

*Threats: The main threats to the Yellow Bird of Paradise are habitat loss due to deforestation, illegal hunting for fur and wildlife trade, and climate change. The loss of primary forest reduces breeding and foraging areas, threatening the species' survival.

* Distribution: The abundance and distribution of the cendrawasih group is dominantly distributed in several parts of Papua such as the western part of the island of Papua which includes the Raja Ampat area, then spreads also in the area around Cendrawasih Bay (Waropen Island, Biak Island, and Nabire) and the interior of the Papuan forest in the north.

* Habitat: lowland forests and dense mountain forests, where large trees provide perches and shelter.

* Diet/Feeding: fruits, insects, and other arthropods.

* Social behaviour: It is a bird that tends to live solitary lives except during the breeding season. During this season, males will gather in small groups to show off their dance in an attempt to attract females. The dance involves intricate movements and the use of their long tail feathers to create a dazzling show.

* Males and female: Males and females of the Yellow Bird of Paradise have clear differences in appearance. Males have brighter and longer feathers, especially on the tail, and have a striking golden yellow color. Meanwhile, females tend to have duller plumage colors and do not have long tails like males.

* Lifespan: diperkirakan sekitar 5-8 tahun. Namun, dalam kondisi yang ideal dan tanpa ancaman dari predator atau manusia, burung ini bisa hidup lebih lama, hingga sekitar 15 tahun.

* Number of young: In one reproduction, Paradisaea apoda females usually lay 1-2 eggs.

* Interesting fact: The Yellow Bird of Paradise is often considered a symbol of Papua's natural beauty and wealth. It is famous for its bright and strikingly colored feathers, such as red, yellow, blue, and green.

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