[caption id="attachment_100094" align="aligncenter" width="578" caption="Betis Rimba (bybetisrimba"][/caption] After so many months in the jungle of Papua, the time seems to be on my side. My mission was very successful, and the result was many rebels ammunition and manpower were lost. I can see, they were running around like a chicken with no head. But, like any others campaign, I had been involved with, also have a draw back, made my position would become so dangerously too close and easy to get eliminated. In the mean time, my order was clear, to stay put. [caption id="attachment_100095" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Anggrek(bynuuril.blogspot)"]
[/caption] I felt that my present just being there was so effective. Every time the rebels tried to get more help from the other side. I'll let the Indonesian Special Force had their way, by help them eliminated the rebels leader and left their corpses on the side of the road, near the borders. And every time they send another ghost forest, they'll never come back. Another draw back that bothers me, when I saw the bombing campaign that Indonesia forces did to those rebels, which caught many innocent people, women and children in the middle of this war. Later on, I found out whomever behind the rebels movement in and around the border of Papua was so clever. They used the Old tactic as old as their country, to pursue many to sympathize with these indigenous people, whom they did not know which side was true brothers. And finally, The head of Indonesia Forces at that time, according to UN mandate, declared six week early election ahead the schedule, UN Resolution 2504, called Act of Free Choice ( Pepera)on the early July 1969. Which the result was Papuan will remain with Indonesia and changed the name from West Papua to Irian Jaya, and the capitol to Jayapura. [caption id="attachment_100098" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Nuri and kakatoa hitam (bytipsone)"]
[/caption] I am so glad to see it, make those coward, colonial back stabber, out of Papua once and for all. (Who am I kidding? Nobody care what I am thinking , I am just the ghost anyway). The things, that I missed about Irian Jaya and the borders were the birds. So many birds, you could woke up on top of the tree, and just sat there, watched all kind of birds, from Nuri with all kind of colors, Kakatoa with all kind of colors, rain forest frogs, mini koala, mini kangroo, and the most beautiful was called Paradise ( Cendrawasih), yeahhh like living in Paradise alright. Funny things was Irian Jaya do not have tigers like they one in Indochina, or Sumatera. But a lot of dogs and pythons. [caption id="attachment_100099" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Great Warrior from Irian Jaya (bytentangnegaraku)"]
[/caption] And the best part about Irian Jaya was the Orchid flower, you could find all kind of Orchid, over 300 species known in Irian Jaya. They grew just about any place in the forest. And some of them, you can not find anywhere else in the world. Rare and beautiful. And for whatever reason, I had out-most respect to the people of Irian people, and Indonesian as a whole. In the end of the spring 1970; I did receive order to pull back. My mission in Irian Jaya finally came to the end. Quietly, my team moved to the shore and the retrieve rubber craft and sail away to the unknown abiss.
The End
This short story dedicated to all warriors, whom live and fought till the end, and to all warriors, whom will never found and never been known.
sebelumnya silahkan membaca artikel ini,
The Ghost Forest
Pengakuan Prajurit Tanpa Nama
......continuation of the mini series “The journey of life Pedicab handyman (tukang Becak).”...... by Jack Soetopo
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