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Ivan Leonheart
Ivan Leonheart Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Seasonal Writer: Nulis Ketika Gabut Aja

Gemini | INFJ-T | Tipikal orang yang akan anda katakan "Wah.. Kok gitu?" | Listener to stories | Twitter: @IvanLeonheart English Mentor yang memutuskan untuk putar haluan menjadi Kang Kopi, tapi akhirnya putar balik jadi English Teacher lagi di Cakap | Merantau dari Jawa ke kawasan dekat ibu kota. | A Philosopher at heart, but a realist in the playlist. | A man seeking Wisdom in Life through learning Bible, dan juga belajar Konseling di STTRI | Menulis ketika bosan, sedih, senang, dan kenyang. | Jangan ditunggu tulisan selanjutnya, pasti ngga terbit - terbit.




30 Days Writing Challenge Day 2: Happiness

22 Desember 2020   12:37 Diperbarui: 22 Desember 2020   12:45 117
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What is Happiness? People can easily say that "Happiness is the spark of life" yet not all people can recognize the smallest part of their life is actually happy when they are feeling stressful. That is normal, for in life, we have the dominant side and the inferior side of life. If the dominant side of your life is Stress, then surely you can't feel the happiness that happens in your life, but if the you are dominated with joy and gratefulness, even the simplest smile from strangers or store clerks that you met today, is a blessing from the Lord.

My kind of Happiness is simple, when I feel at ease, it means I'm happy, when my tummy is full, that is when I'm happy, when I have a friend to talk to, that also brings me happiness, and when I have the chance, to speak and pray to my Lord, to express how truly lucky I am as a Children of God to be given a chance to live until now, that is, the true happiness in my life.

Sometimes, my happiness is not really in a form of something exciting, or joyful. Sometimes, my happiness comes from a hideous moments that I experienced. For example, one of my worst hideous moments in my life, is when I lost my family members. My father passed away when I was 8th, my grandpa passed away when I was in college, my grandma passed away when I nearly got a job after finishing my college, and the year of 2020, my mom passed away from Leukemia. Horrible moments wasn't it? Of course I struggle through deep sorrows of pain and agony back then, but if you wanna know, how grateful I am to know, that I have learnt so many Blessing in these moments. "So what are the blessings from the dead of the beloved?" you might wanna ask. Well, "Wisdom" is the answer, I was blessed with their wisdoms of life, knowledge that I might never have in life without their help, and spiritual awareness that no people can ever teach me, not even the reverend. Here's a few wisdom that I got from my predecessors:

1. "If you were mocked by anyone in your life by spilling hoaxes about you, you don't need to be mad, they are hoax and they don't interpret you as they are, on the other hand, if you were mocked by spilling some truth about you, then you have no reason to be angry, you are, what you are, then you have to learn from that, and improve yourself to be a better person" - Bwa Kwan Djiang-
2. "What did you feel when you woke up in the morning? Fresh air? Refreshing water? The mesmerizing green of nature? That is God's love that has been bestowed upon you, keep believing, God's ultimate wish is that He has Blessed you with Love, therefore, be a Blessing among people, share the Lord's love to your friends, or even strangers, because you might be the only person who put a smile upon their face today" -Tan Djoe Lan-
3. "Look at him (Pointing at one character in a movie) he is totally defeated by numbers, he had experienced torments, failures, yet he stand tall and brave, and finally he wins the battle, I want you to be like that in the future, I want you, to be Leonheart" -Bwa Hok Sing-
4. "I know our family is in bad shape, I know it is hard for you to accept me as your mother, I know and I recognized that you hate my personalities, but you need to know, you are a part of me, and I want my family to be whole, no matter how broken it is right now" -Song Fang Fang-

Those are 3 of my sweetest memories that made me Happy even until today. Yes I am deeply sad because I lost them in my life, no one can ever replace their love towards me, but deep inside, I am happy, for I have lived until today and received their love, and their wisdom upon my life. And that, is a story about Happiness in my life. You might not find it joyful, but I am happy, having those memories as a part of my life, no matter how hard, how sad, and how pitiful it is, they still are, precious to me as memories and mementos.

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