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Ivan Leonheart
Ivan Leonheart Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Seasonal Writer: Nulis Ketika Gabut Aja

Gemini | INFJ-T | Tipikal orang yang akan anda katakan "Wah.. Kok gitu?" | Listener to stories | Twitter: @IvanLeonheart English Mentor yang memutuskan untuk putar haluan menjadi Kang Kopi, tapi akhirnya putar balik jadi English Teacher lagi di Cakap | Merantau dari Jawa ke kawasan dekat ibu kota. | A Philosopher at heart, but a realist in the playlist. | A man seeking Wisdom in Life through learning Bible, dan juga belajar Konseling di STTRI | Menulis ketika bosan, sedih, senang, dan kenyang. | Jangan ditunggu tulisan selanjutnya, pasti ngga terbit - terbit.



Healthy Pilihan

A Simple Question, Makes the World Upside Down

20 Januari 2015   15:57 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   12:46 17
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Life has so many mysterious things which is still cannot be explain with science or other logical reasons. Think of how life starts, how exactly we come into human, would we believe the Apes? Or would we believe the Bible? How human secretes Love, and how human comes to Hatred which is decided by the Heart, a simple organism that affects feelings, even the most advanced civilization on earth cannot made a computerized one. What makes it exactly superficial than the other organs? Is it because it is unexplainable? Or is it just because it secretes something that is totally alien? Now that people think everything has their own explanations, but while they wish for it, they are just dreaming for it to come true, that is why some research seems hard to believe, but some are what people so called believable.

“To be or not to be, that is the question” A quote by Shakespeare in Hamlet which is always a question in life. See here, a simple question can remain annoyingly unexplainable to us. Like when I was asked “What kind of food that I like the most” and then I answered “Some food that contains seafood that is salty and creamy with an extraordinary sauce” and then people will start to think what kind of hilarious food that I like. Sometimes we can’t make a precise description of something that we like the most, but oddly, we can always describe something that we hate, like for example the face of your ex or maybe the worst memory you ever had will be clearly written in your brain.

Everything is questionable, but not all can be answered through a direct one layered chatter. See it in a question that I got when I was little “What color do you like Ivan?” and then I answered “I like blue”. Here we can always expect the person who ask to end the question, but what about if they still continue the question? Like when the asker continued “Why do you like blue?” then we will start to think silly answers like “Because it’s the color I liked!” or “Because it’s blue!” So what can be the best answer for that kind of questions? Do we really need to be a philosopher from the very beginning of our life to answer that? Why do humans ask such things yet they cannot really be answered. Don’t they ever think like some questions which are asked that is cannot be answered can be a real pain or even rude? Even a simple unexpected yet silly question can always break the mood in chats.

One that comes up in my mind when I start to ask silly or even unnecessary questions is “Do I really need to know it? Do I really want it the answer? Or is it just me with my ego to corner someone to make them look silly?” If even silly things can make us depressed so much in our life, then how about greater things? Do they makes us worse? Or maybe even the opposite of it? The answer will be “It is situational, and it is always unpredictable” Don’t pretend that those kind of answer can satisfy your hunger of answers, I know that those kinds of answer are not acceptable, yet we, so kindly accept that just to end the troubles made by the question.

Then how about feelings? Can we describe what makes us hate or love? Or felt like we are loved? Sure! We can always explain what comes up in our mind or what we felt about! But then, is it true? Because sometimes a Love is a Hate which can come in vice versa.

Knowing what happens to us, one questions will come up in our mind “What other creatures are as amazingly complicated yet silly than human?” Did animals did that? Or maybe plants did that? Will the answer be satisfying? Personally I think when you hear the answer will have the same feeling like when you are hit by a car and people asked you “Are you okay?”

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