Praise Allah SWT for His blessings and grace born of strength of mind and spirit on the road so that the writers can resolve this report.
This report is based School Outing Programme implemented in Yogyakarta and Magelang hold on the date of June 18, 2012 until the date of July 3, 2012
The report was prepared and submitted as a requirement to take the National Final Examination (UAN) and the School Final Examination(UAS) at Malhiktwo School.
As without any help from others, the writers may not be able to complete the report of School Outing Programme, so it is the authors would like to say a thank you so much to all those who have assisted in the preparation of these reports.
Brebes, 20th of August 2012
The Writers
(Nur Halimah and Toipah)
Praise be to God, the Almighty who has blessed the writers continual mercies, so we can finish the paper.
On this occasion, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to:
1.KH. Mukhlas Hasyim, MA as the leader of Malhiktwo School, who has arranged School Outing Programme.
2.Mom. Lulu Khumaeroh and Mrs. Umi Farisyiah as the consultant who has guided and assisted us to finish this report.
3.All of our beloved friends who have helped us for making this report
Finally, any constructive criticism will be highly appreciated to improve this report.
Brebes, 19th of August 2012
The Writers
(Nur Halimah and Toipah)
Motto :
üWhere there is a will, there is a way
üExperience is the best teacher
üPractice makes perfect
üLet’s gone be by gone
üLove study is better than study love
üWish on star, reach me of sky
üA champion is someone who gets up even when they can’t
üSolidarity is better than everything
üThe best from us, the best for all
üDo the best and be the best!
This report is especially dedicated to:
ØOur beloved teacher
ØOur beloved Mom and Dad
ØOur beloved brothers and sisters, and
ØOur beloved friends
Mon, 18th of June 2012
Good Bye, Brebes….
Last morning, we left our beloved dormitory, Al Hikmah 2. We went to Yogyakarta at 08.30 p.m. We came to Yogyakarta because we had to practice our English with some foreigners. There were some places which we had to visit there. They were Prambanan temple, Malioboro, and Borobudur temple.
There were 16 students who followed 'School Outing Programme', consist of 27 students of MAK, 21 students of EDS (English Department Student), and 14 students of Emercy. We divided became two groups. A group would hunt foreigner in Borobudur temple, while B group would hunt foreigner in Prambanan temple and sometime in Malioboro.
We went to Yogyakarta by a bus. Before going to Yogyakarta, we prayed together with Kh. MukhlasHasyim M.A as the leader of Malhiktwo School. We did it so that our activities would be success.
We hoped everything was going to be okey. Amin.
Tue,19th of June 2012
Welcome to Yogyakarta
We arrived in Prambanan complex at 02.30 a.m, and we took a rest moment. After that, we prepared ourselves for prayed subuh together. After praying, some of us cooked for breakfast and the others friends used the time for took a bath. We had been ready at 7 a.m, but before going to Prambanan temple, we got some advised from Mr. Aji and we went to Prambanan temple at 07.30 a.m.
The First Hunting in Prambanan
It was the first time we met foreigner, and we had to practice our English with them. Before looking for foreigner, we rounded the temple. We saw some foreigners there, suddenly one of them came to us and she asked to talk something with us. Wow! It was amazing! The first day and the first time we were invited by a foreigner to talk something. We were so happy.
She said that she came to Indonesia because her father was Indonesian, he lived in Bandung, but her mother was Dutch.
She lived in Holland, but she could count from one until ten in Indonesian language. She could do it because her father thought her. She was in summer holiday. So we talked about climate in our country.
In this month, the climate over there was summer day. She said that usually Dutch visited another country for vacation or swimming. It was their habit. She was so gratify and kind.
After talking with her, we rounded Prambanan temple to look for other foreigners. Finally, we found some foreigners were behind the temple.They were sitting down under atree. They were a family. 'CeesRavensbergen' was a husband, 'HermaRavensbergen' was his wife, and 'SanneRavensbergen' was their daughter. They came from Holland.
Sanne could tell us about education there because she was a student of a University in Holland. Not only told about education, but also culture. We explained about batik and we showed up Saman dance in front of them. We thought that they interested it. They were so friendly to us.
Wed, 20th of June 2012
In Malioboro
Last morning was the second day we became tourist hunter. We hunted in Malioboro. We found four foreigners in Cafe Batik Resto, but we just made conversation with two foreigners. They were 'CovapieDupasquiev' and 'Jeanne Monachan'. They came from Sweden. They used French language, but they could speak English a little bit. Our theme of conversation was about any foods because our place was in a cafe. Beside it, we explained the steps how to made batik. They said that in their country there was not batik and there were not fruits as like in Indonesia. In Sweden just there were strawberry and grapes. We told about traditional food and tourism too far, but we could not talk too long because they had to visit other places. So, we asked permission to go and looked for foreigner who had spare time for us.
When we were hunting in Ramayana Mall, we met Swedish. Her name was Marie Christianson. She was so clever because she was a teacher. She could speak English, Spanish, French, and also she could speak Indonesian very well. It was nice meeting. Our conversation did not make us bored because we talked about anything materials. One of them was about education. She said that if we wanted to get scholarship, we had to know all about that country, Sweden. It mean, not only our country we had to know well, but also another country we had to know it because it was important for us.
Our conversation in that time was longer than with the first foreigners. We had to end our conversation when a bus came because she would go to her friend's house and also she said that she would cook something there.
Thu, 21st of June 2012
The Second Hunting in Prambanan
It was the second time we visited Prambanan temple, as usual we arrived there still in quite situation. Then we a rounded the temple first. Finally we saw a tourist and we approached him directly. His name was Michle and he was Germans. Actually it was nice meeting, but we didn't talk for a long time with him. We just talked for a moment because when that time there was another group that followed us and when we had a conversation just for a while, they directly asked Michle's e-mail and it was mean that our conversation could not be longer. So, we had to finish our conversation. Finally we finished our conversation. We didn't get him to write something such as name, comment, or e-mail in our book because we thought that we didn't have well conversation.
After that in the same time, also there were foreigners in that that place. They were a family. We walked toward them. Then we chose the son directly because he looked as young as our age. His name was Gordon. He was from USA and he was student like us. So we talked to him about education.
It was nice conversation and nice meeting, but it was not too long conversation because they had to go for a rounding the temple.
After a rounding the temple for a few minutes, then we saw a girl tourist with short hair and medium body. When we greeted her, she answered by Indonesian. Of course we were so surprised, because we were really sure that she was foreigner. We could look from her blue eyes, and also she was blonde. But, why did she speak Indonesian? In a fact, she was original foreigner and a lecturer in Salatiga University. She had lived in Indonesia for about three years. So she could speak Indonesian well, even she could speak Javanese.
Her name was Danielle. She said that her name was like boy name. But it was really her name. She was from USA. We had enough long conversation with her. We talked about education, habit, government, etc. She said that she disagree and dislike with the government there.
Danielle was so nice girl. After that, her friends came. She visited the temple with her Indonesian friends. So, we should finish our conversation in that time. Then we separated with her. Danielle was the last foreigner whom we met today. So after that, we went home directly. We felt today was nice hunting.
Fri, 22nd of June 2012
On Friday, we had hunting day in Malioboro. We went there by bus from our boarding house. When we arrived there, it was still too early for us to hunt foreigners. So we decided to take a walk rounded Malioboro before hunting. We took a walk while looked for the foreigners. We a rounded that area very long till we felt so hot and so tired, but we hadn't gotten a foreigner. We saw many foreigners but all of them were busy because they would have breakfast, so we didn't brave to disturb them.
Finally we found her. A beautiful girl who was passing quickly. Her name was MarenLeweke. She came from Germany. We talked anything to her such as food, education, season and the habit, disaster, etc. Maren was Germanys and English tea her in her country. We didn't realize that we had talked to her for about two hours. It was very nice conversation. After that, we finished our conversation because she would go to museum.
After travelling in Malioboro, we went to Keraton to see that place and to look for other foreigners. In Keraton was too crowded because so many people there and it was making us difficult to find some foreigners. We saw the visitors, most of their faces were Chinese and just a few from foreigner that we wanted.
If we found the foreigner and we had asked permission to them and had asked their time well, but they were busy all. We were always be refused by them. We felt so tired and we gave up. Then we chose to eat some foods while took a rest there. We ate meatball and fruits. When we were eating, there were foreigners came. They sat down in the same place, next to us. We approached them directly. We got Rinus, he was from Holland. They visited Indonesia in a big group. We just had moment conversation because they would around Keraton with their guide.
Our conversation finishedwhen that time. After that, after hunting in Malioboro, we had to collect in Taman Pintar mosque for praying before going home. After praying, we went home by bus.
Sat, 23rd of June 2012
Go Shopping
Today was the last day in Malioboro, but we didn't hunt some foreigners, we went there just for shopping. We went from our boarding house at 8 a.m and arrived there at 8.30 a.m because before shopping, our teacher told us about some Universities that located in Yogyakarta. When we arrived there, we directly went to Bringharjo market. After that, we went to Gunung Mas inn, and the last place that we visited was Shopping Centre for buying some books. We had to collect in Taman Pintar mosque for praying dzuhurat 2 p.m, and we went home at 2.30 p.m.
It was so tiring day.
Sun, 24th of June 2012
The Last Hunting in Prambanan
That day was the last hunting day in Prambanan because in the next day we would move to Borobudur and would not hunt foreigner in Prambanan temple and Malioboro again.
We were so lazy for hunting foreigner last morning. So, almost all of our friends and we just sat down beside one of the temple there. Suddenly, there were two foreigners and a guide asked to take some pictures with us. After that, we invited them to talk something with us. But, the guide said that they could not speak English, because usually they speak Mandarin language. So, we asked their name to their guide. Their names were Daisy and Salva. The guide also said that they interested to Moslem, so when they saw us whom wore veil, they asked to take picture with us directly.
After that, we got a little spirit that made us wanted for hunting foreigner again.
There were any students that studied tour there. They were some students of English group in Elementary School. They came to that place for practicing their English like us. So, we invited some of them to join us.
Then we met with David. He was so friendly. We enjoyed talking with him because he was funny and he didn’t make us bored.
Mon, 25th of June 2012
Moving to Magelang
Had been a week we stayed in Prambanan house, and that day we were moving to Magelang, Central Java. Actually we would go there at 7 a.m, but the bus was coming late. So, we went to Magelang for both at 9 a.m. It was black day for us, because we had to leave the house that we stayed as far a week in Prambanan. Actually we didn't want to leave it, but that was some of rules for us to change place with A group. A group would stay in that house and B group (our group) would move and would stay in Magelang, exactly a dormitory. As we heard, the name of that dormitory was 'Brayat Al Falah 2'. But we didn't think much about it.
We enjoyed our journey. We missed our friends that in A group so much, and we were happy because we would meet them. We were going to their place by a bus. We needed two hours to arrive there, and we arrived there at 11 a.m. Wow....! Finally we met them.
We made a joke for a moment with them. We saw their faces were happy because met us, but also they were sad because they would leave that dormitory and the owners of Brayat Al Falah. They asked us to keep them well. Also we asked them to keep our house in Prambanan, especially the third floor.
Not too long after that, we separated again with a group. They went to Prambanan for both at 11.30 a.m.
In a fact, Brayat dormitory was not too bad as like we thought. It was nice place. We stayed in second floor. After that, we directly prepared our place and prepared ourselves for hunting in the next day.
Tue, 26th of June 2012
The First Day in Borobudur
Last morning was the first time for us to hunt some foreigners in Borobudur temple. We were too late for the first day. We went to Borobudur temple at 8 a.m. Before hunting, we rounded the temple and we were accompanied by a guide. He explained us about history of Borobudur temple.
When we had been in the top of the temple (Arupadhatu), we were removed by him. We began for hunting from there, and we got the first foreigners there. They were a couple. They came from Holland. But we didn't talk too long. We just did a short conversation because they had to go. Yeah.... It was okey.
After that, we directly looked for other foreigners. Fortunately, we met some foreigners. They came from India, but they stayed in Singapore. As like the first foreigners, we talked just a moment because they just could speak English a little bit. So, in that time we thought that we had been bored to talk with them. Finally, we finished our conversation. They left us, but we didn't go from our place. Some minutes then, there were some foreigners, and we made a conversation with one of them. He liked football, so talked about sport. He was better than some foreigners whom we met before him. But in a fact, also it not too long.Oughh.... It was the third time we were left by foreigner. But, we didn't give up. We rounded the temple again for hunting foreigner. In Arupadhatu, we met a couple of foreigners. We tried to ask their time, and they gave us. Then we began our conversation.
We asked about tourism and weather in their country. When we were talking with them, so many Indonesian people asked to take picture with them. Because of it, we became their translator and photographer. Long and long, we felt that it was so disturbed us. Not only us, but also the foreigners felt it. Actually, we would around temple together, but they said that they would take a walk by themselves first and after that we would meet again in that place and would take around with us. Ok. We made a deal. But actually we disliked that situation because it was too crowded by Indonesian people who asked to take picture with foreigner. So, we left that place and went down. Finally, we cancelled a rounded with them.
When we were going down, we met our friends. They were Winda and Fida. They were a rounding the temple with a couple of foreigners. They invited us to join them for guiding the foreigners. So, we received gratefully. He was Danielle. He came to Indonesia with his girlfriend. Danielle was guided by Vah and Ndha, while his girlfriend was guided by Iim and Fida. They were so friendly. We used that chance to explain little a bit about Borobudur temple. Beside it, we talked about everything. We enjoyed took around and talked with them. Slow but sure.
In the middle of our nice meeting, a security in Arupadhatu said that our time was over and we had to go down. So, we down stairs, and when we looked the time, in a fact, the time for hunting really had finished and we had to go home so that we didn’t get punishment. The first hunting day in Borobudur was the first nice meeting with foreigners in this week. We hoped tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the next day would be better than today. Amin.
Wed, 27th of June 2012
The Second Day in Borobudur
As yesterday, we got the first foreigner in Arupadhatu level. Fortunately, they wanted to be our couple to conversation. They were Geoffrey and Chris. They came from France. They were our first foreigners and the best foreigners today. We were shock when they asked about adzan and everything about Moslem and Islam religion. We answered as long as we could.
When they asked about ourselves and when they knew that we went home just once a year in Ramadan, they said that they knew about Ramadan and IdulFitri because there were any Muslims in their country.
Really..! Our conversation last morning, we had to think well, because they asked about Indonesian people, government in Indonesia, sport, sportivitas in Indonesia, etc. the main point was mostly and Indonesia and Islam.
They were nice speakers. We’re proud of them because they were French, but they could speak English well. After finishing our conversation, we down stairs and rounded the yard. We saw two foreigners were sitting down under a tree. We visited them and asked a couple of their time, and they gave their time for us. We forgot their name. They came from Austria. The boy was holding a book about Indonesia. They were taking a rest there and learning about learning about Indonesia. So, we thought them to speak Indonesian. We thought them to say one till ten (cardinal number) and some greetings in Indonesian language. We wrote it in the paper and studied together. The girl couldn’t say selamatsiang, but she could say selamatsiong. Their pronunciation was funny if they spoke Indonesian language, but it was good for them. Nice too meet them.
The last we looked at the temple and looked for foreigner from the yard. When we saw a foreigner there, we directly visited her.We thought that she was alone. But in a fact, she was not alone. She was accompanied by two Indonesian girls. One of them was a daughter of her friend in Indonesia. We didn’t ask her name. We just followed a rounded temple with them. Actually, that foreigner was friendly and wanted to be accompanied by us, but we seldom talked something because we felt that was not nice to a daughter of her friend who a rounded the temple with that foreigner.
Because of it, finally we asked permission to go home and we said that our time was over. Before going home, she asked to take picture with us and she asked our name and our school’s name. So, we gave her. Although we thought ‘What for? Is it important for her?’ we asked each other. But we didn’t think much. And the last, we went home.
Thu, 28th of June 2012
The Third Day in Borobudur
As usual, we arrived in Borobudur temple, we rounded the temple and we hoped we would meet some foreigners there. In a fact, there were some foreigners there, but they couldn’t make a conversation with us because they just arrived and would around the temple by themselves. So, it was ok.
We up stairs and we didn’t mean to see some foreigners there. One of them was like our friend. We invited them to talk something with us. Fortunately, they received our invitation. Their names were Ethan and Tyler. Really….! We were sure that Tyler was like one of our friend in A group, Iva. They came from America. They were students of University in USA. Many themes we talked, such as about football, about ‘rainbow in the night’, education, food, tourism, culture, weather, etc. it was a nice meeting. After finishing our meeting, we down stairs again and met Jasmin in the first floor, Kamadhatu. She came from Germany. She was so friendly, and she could make us interested to her. We interested to her because she knew about Moslem, but she was not Moslem. She just knew a little bit about Islam religion. She said that she ever hears about Ramadan, but she didn’t understand well. So, we explained about Ramadan and little about Islam. It was a nice conversation for us and we enjoyed it.
Fri, 29th of June 2012
The Fourth Day in Borobudur
Last morning, we were hunting in Borobudur temple. It was the fourth day we were there. Without around the temple, we directly up stairs. In the first gallery, we met our first foreigner today. He came with his son, David. They liked football. So, we talked about it. David liked Chelsea football club. Also one of us (Vah) liked it. They came to Borobudur temple to spend their summer holiday. David was learning Indonesian language, while we were learning English language. So, we studied each other.
After finishing our short conversation, we rounded the temple for hunting some foreigners. Soon or later, we met a foreigner. He was old. His name was ……… He came from France. He came here by his self. He said that formerly he was a photographer, but now he was not a photographer again. He worked in an industry since some years ago. He was kind. He wanted to teach us about French language, such as :
-Rainbow: Arc En Ciel
-Star: Etoile
-Be Careful: Prudence
It was not like English language. We thought that French language was so difficult. We tried to mention that vocabs in front of him, but we couldn’t. We didn’t give up. We tried, tried, and tried again. He helped us to spell it. Finally, we could mention “Arc En Ciel”word after doing long processing.
After that, we went up and met Johan Van Straolen. He came from Netherlands. He was a teacher of mathematics and computer science. We had a good conversation with him on the top of Borobudur temple. We liked the conversation and the interesting subjects. He said that he hoped to come again to Indonesia next year.
Sat, 30th of June 2012
Unforgettable Memory
Before going to Borobudur temple, we were collected by Miss. Farish. She gave us information that Mr. Joko, a voluntary of Barcelona would guide us for rounding Borobudur temple and told us about Borobudur history or about a journey of Buddha Gautama.
That day, in our boarding house would be there some competitions and we hadn’t prepared anything. So, we had to get two foreigners today. It was an obligation for us so that we could go home early.
We went to Borobudur temple at 8 a.m and finished be guided by Mr. Joko at 10 a.m. After finishing rounded the temple and got much information from him, we began for hunting foreigner. Only two foreigners, but we didn’t know why that day was so difficult to find foreigner. We a rounded the temple from the law till the top, gallery by gallery, but in a fact ‘no foreigner’ there. Actually, we had met some foreigners, but if we asked their time, they always rejected us. No foreigner received us. We felt so tired, so we took a rest under the tree in the yard of Borobudur temple. In a fact, not only us who didn’t get foreigner, but also our friends didn’t it all get our target. When we felt that was enough for taking a rest, so we a rounded temple again and we hoped, we would some foreigners. We were not giving up. Finally, we met a foreigner in second gallery, and she received us. Wow..! Really..! We were so happy because she was the first foreigner who wanted to give her time for us.
Her name was Ayumi Imamura. She was Japanese. She came to Indonesia by herself. Before visiting Indonesia, she ever visits some countries because her hobby was travelling. She was staying in Malioboro, International village. Last week, she met our friends. They were Sella and Anisa. We didn’t talk about education, government, politic, economy, etc, but we talked about ourselves, our experience, and other daily conversation. She was nice speaker. She was so kind, so friendly, so funny, and interesting. The main point, she was the best foreigner whomever I met as far we met many foreigners. We enjoyed our day.
She asked about our home stay. So, we explained it, and we tried to invite her to visit our boarding stay. She received our invitation happily, and we went home together. She said that she would home at 3 o’clock p.m. Unfortunately, we could not accompany her till that time because we had to be judge in one of some competitions there. Willy nilly, we had to say ‘good bye’, we took picture and hug each other. It was sweet memory in our life. And really..! It was hurt us so much..!
That day was unforgettable memory for now and forever.
Sun, 1st of July 2012
The Last Hunting in Borobudur
Last morning was not like yesterday, because we felt so difficult to get foreigner yesterday, although just one or two foreigners. We thought that today was better than yesterday. Today we got six foreigners, but the best foreigner for us today was Mandy Tsang. She came there with her husband, Mamost. They came from Japan. They liked stayed in Indonesia because they said that all of payment here was cheaper than in their country. Mamost was mathematics teacher. He gave us a question about ‘Pythagoras’ and he instructed us to do it. Well, we tried it, and fortunately the answered was true. Yeah..! We were happy. After that, we talked about Islam, and Mandy Tsanginterested to our fashion. She instructed one of us to help her to wear veil used batik which be worn by her husband. So, we helped her. Wow..! What a beautiful girl she was!
Many themes we talked. When we explained about government in Indonesia, her husband gave us one of their money for example. It was Rp 100. The color and the shape were almost same with money here, Rp 100.000.
Really..! They didn’t make us bored because they were cheap smile, friendly, and very kind.
We did long conversation with them. When they said that they had to go, we’re so sad. They asked us for taking some pictures with them, also they asked our e-mail, so we gave it and changed our e-mail address each other. Finally, we accompanied them until exit door. Again we felt hurt as yesterday because we had to be left by kind foreigner. May be, we met them only once in our life.
Mon, 2nd of July 2012
In Parangtritis Beach
Yesterday was the last day we hunted foreigner in Borobudur temple, and last morning we visited Pawon temple and Mendut temple by horse pedicab. But it was not too long because after that we would go to Parangtritis beach. The bus arrived from Prambanan at 10 o’clock a.m. there were members of a group in that bus. It was the second time we met A group. The first we met when we were moving from Yogyakarta to Magelang and the second time was last morning. We went to Parangtritis with all of members of School Outing Programme.
We visited GunungPring before going to Parangtritis. After visiting GunungPring, we continue our travelling to good place, Paris beach. We were happy over there. We played there as like children. But we didn’t care it. We thought that the main point we enjoyed it. When we were playing, and enjoyed our day, Miss Farish and Mom Lulu instruct us to go home. Actually we didn’t want, but we could not bid it. Finally we went home after cleaning our body. We arrived in our boarding stay for both at 9 p.m. We were so tired, but we had to wash our clothes which we wore just now when we were in the beach.
In the night..
After that, as usual, we evaluation with Miss Farish, and she invited us to clean our boarding stay in that night. Actually, as we said just now that we were tired, but it was our obligation. So, we did it and we prepared for going home in the next day. After finishing our entire job, we slept for taking a rest and preparing ourselves for tomorrow.
Tue, 3rd of July 2012
The Preparation for Going Home
It was the last time we stayed in boarding stay, Brayat Al Falah 2. We were going home today. Before going home, we had to clean our place that we used as long as a week here. Besides, we asked permission to all of villager whom we recognized there. We asked permission in different places, such as the chief of village, Brayat Al Falah 1, Brayat Al Falah 3, Mrs. Ida’s house, Pawon temple, gudang, and the last was in our boarding stay, Brayat Al Falah 2. It was really the last they we were there. Ough….!
When we were taking some pictures with the owner of boarding stay, Mr. Ihwan and his family, A group arrived there. Sure! We didn’t believe it, but it was a fact.
All of our things had been ready in a car, and that time was for us to prepare ourselves and we had to ready for going to our dormitory, Al Hikmah 2.
The bus arrived at 10 o’clock a.m. Not too long after we had been ready, the bus was leaving that place, Brayat Al Falah 2.
Good bye all of our friends in BAF 2.
We had made a promised that we would not forget our memory as long as we stayed there with them.
And once more we said, “Good bye, friends…. We hope that we can meet again sometime….”
Back to Dormitory, Al Hikmah 2
School Outing Programme had finished. It means we had to leaveMagelang city and we had to go back to our dormitory, Al Hikmah 2. We would do our activities as usual we were in a dormitory. We would not hunt and conversation with tourist again and we would not cook by ourselves again. The main point, we would not pass our days as when we were outing programme there. Of course, we would miss that all.
The bus was going to our dormitory at 10 a.m. We passed the way happily, and we arrived in dormitory at 05.30 p.m.
Good bye Yogyakarta, Malioboro, Magelang, and Parangtritis.
Welcome to our beloved dormitory, Al Hikmah 2 Benda SirampogBrebes.
Alhamdulillah we have finished our obligation for making this report. That all of our experience as long as we are in School Outing Programme. We hope this report can be useful for us and for you all. Thank you very much for all of our teachers, our beloved friends, and our family who have helped us to make this report. Without you all, maybe we can’t finish our report.
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