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Nurul Hichmah
Nurul Hichmah Mohon Tunggu... Undergraduate Student of International Relations, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

I write about climate change and everything related to it! May our earth still exist for another 1000 years! 🌎🌱




Heatwave in Asia: Does it Affect Indonesia?

14 Mei 2023   00:32 Diperbarui: 14 Mei 2023   00:48 401
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In the Global Climate Report, the year 2022 was recorded as a very warm year. The temperature of Earth is expected to increase up to 0.8°C, or 1.55°F.  This increase in temperature can be felt in various places, one of which is Indonesia. The recent heat waves have reached more than 40°C in several countries, such as Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar.

The increase in temperature that occurs in several Asian countries is an annual phenomenon that usually occurs because it is caused by the apparent motion of the sun. According to Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, and Geofisika, this cycle usually occurs every year and is not an effect of the heatwave.

In the countries with tropical region and located on the equator, hot weather is common and become the characteristic of this region, but recently, the increase of the temperature has disrupted some community activities. Indonesia is in a temperature range of 36--37°C. Even though the temperature is quite high, this will not be like what happened in Bangladesh, India, or Thailand, which ranged from 40°- 50°C.

In addition to the influence of the sun's apparent motion, there is a maximum intensity of solar radiation in sunny conditions and a lack of clouds, which causes heat from the sun not to be covered as usual. According to the BMKG report on April 17, 2023, Ciputat and South Tangerang are the areas of Indonesia that experienced the highest temperature, reaching 37.2°C.

The temperature increase is part of extreme climate change that is getting out of control. According to Geography Lecturer at Gajah Mada University, Dr. Emilya Nurjani S.Si., M.Si., global weather, and climate are influenced by the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. Changes that exist on Earth or far from Earth will affect the climate system. Emilya emphasized that the occurrence of climate change had been driven by the invention of the steam engine in 1750, which increased greenhouse gases and the temperature of the earth's surface.

According to BMKG predictions, Indonesia does not have the potential to experience a heatwave like what happened in South Asian countries. This is due to the geographical area of Indonesia, which is an archipelago. In an interview on Tuesday, April 25, BMKG Deputy for Climatology Dodo Gunawan said, "This Indonesian region is in the form of islands interspersed by the sea as a cooling element. Like a radiator, so heat can't spread."

This temperature increase has affected the activities of the community, among them the farmers, who are worried that their crops will fail due to the relatively hot temperatures and the absence of rainwater. Other activities are also disrupted, such as when you want to travel or do your daily activities. Coming to the office, school, or work will be a little disturbed because of the hot temperature, and exposure to sunlight that is not too covered by clouds will cause skin damage.

This heat wave has prompted nations all over the world to actively look for ways to reduce the effects of climate change that are already taking place. These efforts include being determined to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, taking strategic actions like beginning to develop and use electric cars and collaborating to raise funds as a form of responsibility for solving the impact of the climate problem. However, given the scope of this initiative's effects, state authorities and the community need to work together to deal with the climate change that is happening, especially in their territory.

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