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Gusdur and His Thoughts

21 Desember 2019   21:17 Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2019   22:38 7
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

Who does not know this one character. It must be familiar that we hear a character named Gusdur.

Abdurrahman Wahid whom we often call as Gusdur. Born on August 4, 1940 in Jombang, East Java. His father was Indonesia's first religious minister who was also the son of KH. NU founder figure, Namely KH. Hasyim Ash'ari. When I was little, Gusdur had started to memorize some of the contents of the Koran and many poems in Arabic.

educational background
1. People's School, Jakarta.
2. School at SMEP in Giwangan, Yogyakarta. Along with the Arabic language boarding school Munawir.
the way when he thought that Cairo was no longer conducive to his desires. In 1964, he continued his studies at Al-Azhar University in Cairo Egypt. He majored in the Department of Heiger Islamic and Arabic Studies. After some time in Egypt, Gusdur decided to stop studying in the middle.

Gusdur built his thoughts through the paradigm of contextualization of the treasures of classical Sunni thought. Gusdur explained that in modernizing and dynamizing the following steps were needed;

1. It is necessary to improve the situation in pesantren based on a healthy and strong leadership regeneration process.
2. A curriculum aimed at printing the scholars' in the future.
3. The basic structure of the curriculum is the teaching of religious knowledge in all actions and the provision of guidance to the students personally conducted by the teacher or kyai etc.

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