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Indonesian Student Association For International Studies ISAFIS
Indonesian Student Association For International Studies ISAFIS Mohon Tunggu... -

Indonesian Student Association for International Studies (ISAFIS) had been established since 14th February 1984. ISAFIS is a non-profit students organization, with the purpose to build the vision of mutual understanding among nations through youth cooperation. Along the way in its 30th year, ISAFIS has grown through deepening the coherence between its internal divisions' coordination, while widening efforts of its works for youth empowerment. The members are students from universities in Jabodetabek: University of Indonesia, Trisakti University, Paramadina University, Pelita Harapan University, Paramadina University, Bogor Institute of Agriculture, and many more.




The Trans Pacific Partnership: Should We Join the Pact?

3 April 2016   18:26 Diperbarui: 3 April 2016   18:40 44
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Indonesia needs to untangle its own shoelaces before it will benefit from another trade agreement such as the TPP. We need to shift from being a target market to being a major player in production, and this can only be done if we can encourage innovativeness in the population. Along with inventiveness, a sense of patriotism has to be instilled, especially in those of the younger generation, so that we do not just produce capable leaders but also those who are willing to build Indonesia’s ability to be a regional and international player.

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