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Indonesian Student Association For International Studies ISAFIS
Indonesian Student Association For International Studies ISAFIS Mohon Tunggu...

ISAFIS is a Non-profit student organization, which consists of students from various universities in Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta such as University of Indonesia, Trisakti University, Bina Nusantara University, etc. ISAFIS was established in February 14, 1984.




Disaster Management: Can We Really Manage That Kind of Thing?

12 Oktober 2012   03:27 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   22:54 181
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Join this fun and provoking event!

What do we mean by "disaster management"? Is it managing disasters? How can we really manage that kind of thing? Especially by us--an "ordinary" citizen, everyday people, youth?

Well, good news for us is that it can be done by anyone. And we're giving you some quick facts about it.

·Aims of disaster management: reduce (avoid, if possible) the potential losses, assure prompt and appropriate assistance to victims when necessary, achieve rapid and durable recovery

·Disaster management follow a cycle: mitigation-risk reduction-prevention-preparedness-disaster-response-recovery

·“Mitigation” to “disaster” are preparation stage, aims to minimize the adverse effects of a hazard through effective precautionary actions

·Components of preparation: vulnerability assessment, planning, institutional framework, information system, resource base, warning systems, response mechanisms, public education and training, rehearsal

·Components of response-recovery: evacuation, search and rescue, emergency relief, logistics and supply, communication and infomation management, survivor response and coping, rehabilitation and reconstruction

·Disasters can influence many countries simultaneously as they may occur in or involve multinational regions

·The international aspect is also of vital importance when an affected country’s resources are insufficient and international relief operations have to be initiated

·International disaster management a study of disaster management in scenarios where the capacity of a single nation’s response mechanisms are overwhelmed or The study of the diverse emergency and disaster management systems and structures that exist throughout the world

·International frameworks: International Association of Emergency Managers, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting the goals of saving lives and protecting property during emergencies and disasters

·International Recovery Platform aims toidentify gaps and constraints experienced in post disaster recovery and to serve as a catalyst for the development of tools, resources, and capacity for resilient recovery and to be an international source of knowledge on good recovery practice

·Red Cross/Red Crescent, play pivotal roles in responding to emergencies

·United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) coordinates international response for emergency, mandated by UN and requested by country’s government

·Disaster management deals with humanitarian issues, therefore it has to be done on the basis of humanity, excluding any particular national interest that can hampers the programs.

So now you know some stuffs about disaster management. But still feel that it's way too far for you? Feel that it's out of your league? Well, worry no more! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="461" caption="Join this fun and provoking event!"][/caption]

Indonesian Student Association for International Studies (ISAFIS) in collaboration with @america presents MUN Simulation: Managing Disasters Together. By its name, people can participate in a challenging game simulation where they have to--well--manage disasters together!

The event will feature some inspiring speakers such as Scot Marciel (U.S. Ambassador), Harlan Hale (USAID Regional Advisor of Foreign Disaster Assistance), Dody Ruswandi (BNPB Deputy of Emergency Response), and Lukman Oesman (ISAFIS President 2012). Participants will also get an official certificate from the U.S. Embassy! What’s more, the event is completely FREE and open for public!

To know more, kindly go to our website or follow our Twitter @ISAFIS_official or our Facebook page.

See you there!

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