Conclusions, Implications and Suggestions
- Based on the research finding and discussion there some important points that can be concluded. Firstly, based on the research findings related to the procedures of task-based language learning, it shows that classroom application is still less from what is supposed to happen in a process-oriented, communicative language class. This discrepancy results from the fact that the traditional, structure-oriented teaching which has been employed for a long period of time still seems to be the influential approach of organizing language teaching. Secondly, based on the research findings it can be said that the students experienced the opportunity for 'natural learning within  the classroom context as one of the benefits of the implementing task-based learning in the classroom. However, there are students who are not used to speaking up and expressing their opinion in class and as a result they might feel uncomfortable being asked to actively participate in the learning activities. They felt that they are not used to this way of learning. Thirdly is that implementing a style of learning such as Task-Based Learning into classes will clearly come with some various of challenges and advantages. Teachers and students have their own experiences of challenges as they  went  through  the activities of Task-Based Learning particularly in the teaching of English Morphology. The teachers should be sensitive to the students' characteristics, needs and interest. Tasks should also be tailored to suit the students' needs, interests, and situations. Another challenge is the shift of teaching style.  As we know that the traditional teaching has been employed for a long period of time and still seems to be the most influential approach of organizing language teaching. It will undoubtedly be difficult to swing from one extreme to another. The teacher should consider other modification.
There are some points that can be offered as suggestion. The first is teachers need to develop and keep up with teaching-learning development since approaches , methods and techniques for language  learning are always develop . Task-based language learning is a method of learning a language by using tasks as a central unit of learning.  This method can be implemented in all level of learners because it is enjoyable and motivating. The second is that based on the data analysis classroom application is still less from what is supposed to happen in a process-oriented of communicative language class. This is due to the fact that the traditional teaching still seems to be the most influential approach. Thus, integrating traditional approach with task-based instruction could be a worth-considering alternatives.
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