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ioanes rakhmat Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Science and culture observer

Our thoughts are fallible. We therefore should go on thinking from various perspectives. We will never arrive at final definitive truths. All truths are alive, and therefore give life, strength and joy for all.



Gadget Pilihan

Bahaya Smartphones/Laptops/PCs bagi Kesehatan Tubuh dan Mental

17 Agustus 2018   02:43 Diperbarui: 4 Juni 2019   22:17 1627
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/1/ Harriet Agerholm, "Why blue light from smartphones speeds up blindness", Independent, 12 August 2018. Laporan penelitiannya, lihat Kasun Ratnayake, John L. Payton,..., Ajith Karunarathne, "Bluelight excited retinal intercepts cellular signaling", Scientific Reports 8, no. 1027 (2018).

/2/ Info medik lebih jauh tentang AMD dan langkah-langkah pengobatan yang sudah dikenal selama ini, lihat NEI, "Facts About Age-Related Macular Degeneration", National Eye Institute, reviewed September 2015. Lihat juga GHR, "Age-related macular degeneration", Genetics Home Reference, 14 August 2018.

/3/ Zara Kassam, "Revolutionary eye drops to treat age-related macular degeneration", Drug Target Review, 20 July 2018.

/4/ Kevin Loria, "How smartphone light affects your brain and body", Business Insider, 14 September 2015.

/5/ Nadia Aalling, Anne Sofie,..., Maiken Nedergaard, "Understanding the Glymphatic System", Neuroonline.

/6/ Brooke Aggarwal, Nour Makarem,...., Sanja Jelic, "Effects of Inadequate Sleep on Blood Pressure and Endothelial Inflammation on Women: Findings from the American Heart Association Go Red for Women Strategically Focused Research Work", Journal of the American Heart Association, 9 June 2018.

/7/ Maria Cohut, "Early risers have lower risk of depression, study finds", MedicalNewsToday, 17 June 2018. Artikel risetnya lihat Céline Vetter, Shun-Chiao Chang,..., Eva S. Schernhammer, "Prospective Study of Chronotype and Incident depression among middle- and older-aged women in the Nurses Health Study", Journal of Psychiatric Research, vol. 103, May 25, 2018, hlm. 156-160.

/8/ Jean Twenge, "Smartphones are damaging this generation's mental health", World Economic Forum, 17 November 2017.

/9/ Kelly Wallace, "How much time do parents spend on screens? As much as their teens", CNN, 6 Dec 2016.

/10/ Makalah asli lihat Dieter Wolke and Suzet T. Lereya, "Long-term effects of bullying", Archives of Disease in Childhood, Sept 2015, 100 (9): 879-885. Terbit online 10 Feb 2015. Artikel populernya lihat Chiara Townley, "Bullying alters brain structure, raises risk of mental health problems", Medical News Today, January 6, 2019. Petunjuk praktis mengenali remaja yang sedang di-"bully" dan langkah mengatasinya, baca Team Beenke, "Parent Alert: Possible Signs Your Child Is Being Bullied", Juga Niki Chavanelle, "10 Signs Your Child Is Being Bullied", Active

/11/ Lihat Nadeem Badshah, "Limiting screen use for one week may improve teenagers' sleep--study", The Guardian, 20 May 2019. Lihat juga diskusi pro dan kontra tentang dampak sinar biru dari gadget pada mata dalam artikel Amy Fleming, "The truth about blue light: does it really cause insomnia and increased risk of cancer?", The Guardian, 28 May 2018.

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