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Indrian Safka Fauzi
Indrian Safka Fauzi Mohon Tunggu... Praktisi Kesadaran Berketuhanan, Kritikus Fenomena Publik dan Pelayanan Publik. Sang pembelajar dan pemerhati abadi. The Next Leader of Generation.

🌏 Akun Pertama 🌏 My Knowledge is Yours 🌏 The Power of Word can change The World, The Highest Power of Yours is changing Your Character to be The Magnificient. 🌏 Sekarang aktif menulis di Akun Kedua, Link: 🌏



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Acrostic Poem: God's View

4 Agustus 2022   07:00 Diperbarui: 4 Agustus 2022   08:35 125
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God's View (Source: Freepik)

Good morning ladies and gentlemen~ I wanna show my poem about God's View~ Enjoy!

All beings are supervised by a powerful view. No one escapes His scrutiny. This is the real manifestation of His Great Omnipotence.

Greatness comes with your best deed...
Obedience man serve his God indeed...
Determination is all need...
Seeing all His creature elevated...

Varies personalities educated...
In every life they accepted...
Emanating love that deserved!
With the God's view undoubted...

In all its greatness. What is secret in the heart of every creature is known for sure. No more lies. All revealed by His power.

The Undersigned.
Cimahi, August 4, 2022.

Indrian Safka Fauzi for Kompasiana.
For our spirit... never die

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