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Ilmu Sosbud

The Infuence of Child Development on Father Absence

24 Desember 2023   09:59 Diperbarui: 24 Desember 2023   10:03 102
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Literature review

  1. The effect of fatherless on child development

Indonesia is the third  fatherless country in the world (Wulandari,. Et Al, 2022). Smith (2023) said that fatherless countries tend not to realize the importance of a father's role in a child's daily life both physically and psychologically, this is due to the patriarchal culture that still dominates in Indonesia. In addition, there are many cases of early marriage, divorce, and pregnancy outside of marriage (Sunesas Data, 2020). So that is the reason for the large number of fatherless cases today. The absence of the father's role in the child's development process will have a negative impact on the cognitive and emotional development of the child (Freeks, 2022). 

  1. The Effect of Fatherless on Children's Achievement Intelligence

In cognitive development in children, father involvement in development is one of the factors that influence children's learning achievement. Quoted from research by Puwandiri et al (2023), shows the results that children with high father involvement in development are not necessarily high learning achievement, and children with fatherless conditions in development are not necessarily low learning achievement. This is because fathers are not the only parents who play a role in children's intellectual development. Children's intellectual competence is related to the expression of warmth and positive emotions shown by the mother in parenting. These results are also supported by Khayati's research (2012) which states that father's involvement in development does not always make children have high achievement motivation.

  1. The Effect of Fatherless on Children's Emotional Intelligence

In the aspect of emotional intelligence, parents are models for children because based on Bandura's theory (1977), human behavior is formed from an imitation process called the modeling technique from the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is very important to have complete parental involvement in the child's development process. If the child develops in a fatherless condition, the child does not have a father model to imitate. This will affect the child's emotional intelligence because they do not get optimal lessons in independence, self-confidence, and emotional control. Then, when children do not have good emotional intelligence, they will tend to produce negative behavior.


This research method uses qualitative methods. Qualitative research methods are an in-depth approach to understanding complex phenomena in their natural context. By emphasizing context and subjectivity, this method provides deep insights to answer complex research questions.

This research was conducted to analyze the phenomenon of the impact of fatherless on child development in Indonesia. The source of data for this research is obtained from research results in the form of final assignments or journals that have previously been researched on the same topic.

Result and finding

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