Judul-judul training 2015 kategori "Mining"
MNG-01 Acid Mine Drainage Control
MNG-02 Advances in Risk Assessment in Mining
MNG-03 Advanees in Risk Assesment in Mining
MNG-04 Blasting Engineering
MNG-05 Coal Exploration Technology
MNG-06 Community Development Plans and Reviews
MNG-07 Community Relations Planning
MNG-08 Complete Mine Closure Plans
MNG-09 Construction Quality Control
MNG-10 Corporate Ethics in Mineral Development
MNG-11 Digital Data in Mineral Exploration
MNG-12 Drilling Technology
MNG-13 Emprical Design Technique for Underground Mines
MNG-14 Environmental Impact Assessment
MNG-15 Environmental Management Systems
MNG-16 Environmental Monitoring
MNG-17 Exploration Geochemistry
MNG-18 Fasibility Study
MNG-19 Fundamentals of Mine Environmental
MNG-20 Geological Mapping
MNG-21 Geology for Non Geologist
MNG-22 Geomechanics Aplications
MNG-23 Geophysics for Coal Deposit
MNG-24 Geophysics for Geologist
MNG-25 Geophysics for Ore Deposit
MNG-26 Geostatistic for Reserve Assessment
MNG-27 Geothecnical Data Collection
MNG-28 Ground Control Design, Reviews and Audits
MNG-29 Industrial Hygiene and EH&S
MNG-30 Interpretation of Airbone Magnetic Data
MNG-31 Introduction to Exploration Practice
MNG-32 Introduction to Hydrogeology
MNG-33 Leadership in Mine Management
MNG-34 Managing Mine Contractors
MNG-35 Mechanics of Rock Fragmentation
MNG-36 Mine Drainage System
MNG-37 Mine Feasibility, Planning and Project Evaluation
MNG-38 Mine Planning
MNG-39 Mine Reclamation
MNG-40 Mine Stability Evaluation and Remediation
MNG-41 Mine Ventilation
MNG-42 Mineral Project Evaluation Techniques&Aplication
MNG-43 Mineral Resource Assessment
MNG-44 Mineral Resources Management
MNG-45 Mining Method Evaluation and Design
MNG-46 Minning Technology
MNG-47 Open Pit Mine Planning Design
MNG-48 Pit Limits Optimization
MNG-49 Pit Slope Design
MNG-50 Predicting and Managing Acid Rock Draining in Mining
MNG-51 Project Development Assurance
MNG-52 Quantitative Risk Assessment and Decision making in Geomechanics
MNG-53 Realibility in Geothecnical
MNG-54 Reclamation and Mine Closure
MNG-55 Revegetation Design and Implementation
MNG-56 Social and Economic Impact Assessment
MNG-57 Social and Political Risk Assessment
MNG-58 Surface and Grounwater Management
MNG-59 Surface Mining Operations
MNG-60 Tunneling
MNG-61 Underground Coal Mining
MNG-62 Underground Mine Equipment
MNG-63 Underground Mine Planning Design
MNG-64 Underground Support System
MNG-65 Understanding Geothecnical Engineering
MNG-66 Waste Management Facility Design and Construction
MNG-67 Waste Management Planning and Operation
MNG-68 Water Treatment
MNG-69 Welt Logging Geophysics
MNG-70 Volcanology
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