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Navy Jahbulon Rangkuti
Navy Jahbulon Rangkuti Mohon Tunggu... .... -




Fiksiana Pilihan

Novel | A Living intuition | Chapter 5

22 Oktober 2017   17:22 Diperbarui: 24 Oktober 2017   09:39 518
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Sumber: Kaskus/nalendraswrdlg

Chapter 5 - Hartaman & My Secret

After going on to the third floor, i feel something oddly wonderful lurking around to the whole body, and i'm trying to enjoy it a little bit... more? This thing, this odd thing, while looking for my briefcase, i, on this floor, on this third floor. This floor is sure is dark as hell, because the kids in the bureau is found hardly making theirself playing nor coming up into this floor.

It's just me and relsa, that is usually coming up into this sublime, not even elle, not even sastra. Oh, about elle, she's ever coming to this floor, but just that one time, and she is scared as hell, and she cried loudly and she swear that she'll never come again into the third floor.

At best, they were just coming into main floor. Because the majority of the kid in the bureau aren't capable of facing the thrill that are bestowed upon the second floor of the bureau. Pardon me, but the second floor is for another special pupil in the bureau, the second floor is for the psychopath, sociopath, schizophrenic, a bipolar, and also a sufferer of multiple personality disorder and so many other (classified as dangerous) sufferers.

But the most rare and extremely harmful case is the psychopath cases. Because there are only two kid, whose being extremely isolated in the bureau, on the second floor, perhaps, until you can't find even a hole, a tiny hole, placed on the isolation room. Its purpose is to give a broad distance between their world and the outside world.

Anyway, there's a lot of stories that i couldn't tell it to you in such short time about this imprisoned people.


Pertama karena memang sudah ada korban yang mereka makan, dan kedua, konon rumornya, ada perselisihan antara orang tua yang memang kaya raya, dan memang yang anaknya pernah jadi korban dibunuh dan menginginkan hukuman yang setimpal, tapi pihak biro menjadi mediator diantara permasalahan ini, mereka bilang, masalah ini bisa diselesaikan secara baik baik.

Kejadian itu tidak banyak, hanya pernah terjadi, sekali saja, dan itu sudah lama sekali, jauh sekali dari jaman waktu saya masih kecil dan pertama kali masuk kesini. Yang jelas.... saya juga, adalah salah satu psikopatnya,

I'm joking, fellas.

Why so serious? HA-HA!

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