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Indah K.Ainia
Indah K.Ainia Mohon Tunggu...

Seorang yang humoris dan menyukai hal baru,,\r\nSelalu berusaha positive thinking dan ceria .. \r\n\r\n# In adolescene\r\n




Perfectionist Leads on Disaster

19 Januari 2015   12:04 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   12:50 6
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Somebody might say that to be discipline is such an easy way to be applied. However, for me it is not that easy one. To keep some principle which is only made by verbal utterance has no deal with difficulty . Applying the principle in concrete action is such complicated for me. It seems that I am going to be pro with proverb that say : "your real enemy is not someone else rather than you your self." This proverb simple but it has a further meaning which is actually true in reality.

It is hard for me to defeat my self . Me my self istypical of person that is hard to switch. When I have focused on one thing, I would neglect the next thing which I should concern. For instance,when I do certain work , then I have not accomplish it yet, but at the moment I am supposed to run my next work , which means that the first work is out of time, but I prefer to continue my first work.As a result, all turn to be a disaster. This way, I am undiscipline in time, and also I could not decide which one I should prioritize.

Perhaps, some people consider that I am unaware of doing that .. for me, I am full of awareness to decide a choice. Nevertheless, I am too afraid of not being maximum on what I do. Therefore, it is difficult for me to move on to the next work. Otherwise, that aim ruin everything in which I have to do next. Instead, this decision leads me on a situation where I cannot get the maximum result of those works.

So, what should I do then ?

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