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Mahasiswa IAIN Jember tahun 2019 prodi tadris bahasa inggris fakultas tarbiyah dan ilmu keguruan




KH Abdurrahman Wahid's Thoughts up to Walisanga

15 Desember 2019   21:50 Diperbarui: 15 Desember 2019   21:55 24
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A. Abdurrahman Wahid or better known as Gus Dur was born in Denanyar Jombang, East Java, on August 4, 1940. He was a prominent Indonesian intellectual and highly respected. Since childhood, Abdurrahman was educated and raised in a pesantren family and under the auspices of the ulama's family. His grandfather was Hadratus Sheikh Hasyim Asy'ari, one of the founders of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and the pioneer of the Pesantren Tebuireng Jombang, while his father KH Wahid Hasyim besides the Ulama was also a national figure who had served as Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950. from his mother's lineage Abdurrahman also inherited the blood of scholars, namely KH Bisri Syamsuri was his grandfather. 

The thoughts of KH Abdurrahman Wahid

1. Native Islam, that is, Islam as a teaching normative comes from God who is accommodated inward culture that comes from humans without loss their respective identities. Indigenous Islam is meant for provide opportunities with all Islamic diversity and culture in each different area of life.

2. Cosmopolitan Islam The true cosmopolitan of the Greek word cosmos which means that there is a lot of order in the universe once the diversity of living things, humans, animals, growing- plants, and other natural objects, which must be organized and interrelated in one life frame with which other. Likewise with Islam, Islam as a teaching community which has universal teaching values in which there is cultural diversity, ethnic differences, RAS, and Religion that must be addressed openly, in order to achieve the regularity of life in this universe.

3. Pluralism

In language, the word pluralist comes from English. Plural which means plural or many, in a sense diversity in society, or there are many other things in outside our group that must be recognized. In terms of, pluralism not just circumstances or facts that are plural, plural, or many. Pluralism cannot be understood simply by saying that our society is diverse, diverse, composed of various tribes of Religion, which actually only describe fragmentation, not pluralism.

4. Democracy

Often times we hear the name democracy, from the Greek languages are demos and kratos, which means power or power of the people. Freedom of thought and opinions must be upheld by the public and government, because the source of democracy is the people, (which he said of the people, by the people and for the people) must be of interest the people must be fought by the people's representatives neither the government nor the interests of the group or certain group.

5. Humanism

The idea of human development in the Western World came about 13th century as a school with the name Humanism. According to Nicola Abagnano humanism is seen as philosophy of humanity that recognizes human values and dignity and make it the basis or measure of everything something. Humanism is a movement fight for human dignity and dignity so that it remains has real human value. Long before humanisme emerged, Islam that was born in the 6th century had teach human values.

B. Walisanga is a respected Islamic figure in Indonesia, especially in Java, because of their historical role in the spread of Islam in Indonesia. Walisongo comes from the word Wali is "a trusted person" or "an assigned person" while the word Sanga in means number nine.


Walisongo biography :

1. Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Sunan Gresik) 

2. Raden Rahmat (Sunan Ampel) 

3. Raden Makhdum (Sunan Bonang) 

4. Raden Qasim (Sunan Drajat) 

5. Ja'far Sadiq (Sunan Kudus) 

6. Raden Paku (Sunan Giri) 

7. Raden Sahid (Sunan Kalijaga) 

8. Raden Umar Said (Sunan Muria) 

9. Syarif Hidayatullah (Sunan Gunung Jati) Walisongo Heritage Mosque Walisongo Karomah. 

Walisongo was intellectuals who became a role model for the people at that time. Their influence is felt in a variety of new Javanese civilizations ranging from farming, commerce, culture, art to society.

Walisongo era is a time when Hindu-Buddhist domination has ended and replaced with Islamic culture. His role was very large in establishing the Islamic Kingdom and the culture of the people in Java, they were a symbol of the spread of Islam in Indonesia.

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