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Classical Musics #03: Karajan & Georges Pretre Conducts The Blue Danube Waltz

10 Maret 2010   23:36 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   17:30 190
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Classic #03

Karajan & Georges Pretre conducts The Blue Danube Waltz

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Herbert von Karajan (1908 - 1989) Ballet of the Vienna State Opera 'A der sconen, blauen Donau, Op.314 (Waltz)' Music by Johan Straus, Jr. (1825 - 1899) Vienna Philharmonic 'New Year's Concert - Vienna 1987' Georges Pretre Ballet of the Vienna State Opera 'A der sconen, blauen Donau, Op.314 (Waltz)' Music by Johan Straus, Jr. (1825 - 1899) Vienna Philharmonic 'New Year's Concert - Vienna 2008' Johann Strauss, Jr. (October 25, 1884 – June 3, 1965) Johann Strauss II (Bahasa Jerman: Johann Strauß (Sohn); atau Johann Strauss Jr., Johann Sebastian Strauss) (25 Oktober 1825 – 3 Juni 1899) adalah komponis Austria yang dikenal terutama untuk karya musik waltz-nya, seperti The Blue Danube. Anak dari komponis Johann Strauss I, dan saudara laki-laki dari komponis Josef Strauss dan Eduard Strauss, Johann II adalah yang paling terkenal dari keluarganya. Pada masa hidupnya, ia dikenal sebagai "raja waltz", dan popularitas waltz di Wina sepanjang abad ke-19 terutama disebabkan oleh dirinya. Ia menjadi "raja waltz" dengan revolusi yang dilakukannya dengan meningkatkan derajat waltz dari dansa kaum petani rendahan menjadi hiburan yang gemerlap untuk keluarga bangsawan Habsburg. ( selanjutnya kunjungi Johann Strauss II )

Karajan Herbert von Karajan (5 April 1908 – 16 July 1989) was an Austrian orchestra and opera conductor. His obituary in The New York Times described him as "probably the world's best-known conductor and one of the most powerful figures in classical music".[1] Karajan conducted the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra for 35 years. He is the top-selling classical music recording artist of all time, having sold an estimated 200 million records during his career.[2] (selanjutnya kunjungi Herbert von Karajan)
Georges Prêtre Georges Prêtre (born 14 August 1924) is a French conductor[1]. He was born in Waziers (Nord), and attended the Douai Conservatory and then studied harmony under Maurice Duruflé and conducting under André Cluytens among others at the Paris Conservatoire. Amongst his early musical interests were jazz and trumpet. After graduating, he conducted in a number of small French opera houses sometimes under the pseudonym Georges Dherain. His conducting debut was at the Opéra de Marseille in 1946. He conducted also at the opera houses in Lille and Toulouse. His Paris debut was at the Opéra-Comique in Richard Strauss' Capriccio. He was director of the Opéra-Comique 1955-1959. He conducted at the Lyric Opera of Chicago 1959-1971. He was conductor, 1959, and music director 1970-1971, at the Paris Opéra. He was principal conductor of the Vienna Symphony 1986-1991. His Royal Opera House, Covent Garden debut came in 1961, with first appearances at the Metropolitan Opera, New York City, and La Scala, Milan, later in the 1960s. He worked with Maria Callas on a number of occasions, and made recordings of Carmen and Tosca with her. For a time he was music director of the Paris Opera. Aside from opera, Prêtre is best known for performances of French music, having conducted long and difficult works like Debussy's La Mer and Ravel's Daphnis et Chloé without a score (i.e. from memory). He is especially associated with Francis Poulenc, giving the premiere of his opera La voix humaine at the Opéra-Comique in 1959 and his Sept répons des ténèbres in 1963. In 1999 he gave a series of concerts in Paris to celebrate the centenary of Poulenc's birth. In 1988 Marcel Landowski dedicated his Fourth Symphony to Prêtre. He also conducted the La Scala Orchestra in Franco Zeffirelli's 1982 film versions of Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana and Leoncavallo's Pagliacci[2]. Both films starred Placido Domingo. Prêtre has conducted the Vienna New Year's Concert twice, in 2008 and in 2010 [3]. He is the only French conductor to have been appointed for this role so far. Prêtre married Gina Marny in 1950, and they have two children (one son, one daughter). Interests include riding, swimming, aviation, judo, and karate. ( selanjutnya kunjungi Georges Prêtre ) Catatan kecil : Georges Pretre adalah French conductor yang memimpin Vienna New Year's Concert dua kali, pada tahun 2008 dan 2010. Saya mengacungkan 2 Jempol untuk Duabelas Balerina Vienna 1987

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Herbert von Karajan conducts The Blue Danube Waltz

Herbert Von Karajan - Radetzky March - Viena 1987

Neujahrskonzert 2008 vienna philharmonics - Blue Danube (Georges Pretre)

Radetzky March - Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra - 2008 (Georges Pretre)

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