Most of my friends called me Haris .I'm a simple person with a simple life and mind.As of recent events in my life I have some new things to is a short journey.I try everyday to smile and be grateful for what I have and who I am.\r\n\r\nGeneral Characteristics :\r\nEnthusiastic; Trusting; Optimistic; Persuasive; Talkative; Impulsive; Emotional - Good listener; Team player; Possessive; Steady; Predictable; Understanding; Friendly\r\n\r\nPossible Weaknesses :\r\nResists change; Sensitive to criticism; Difficulty establishing priorities, More concerned with popularity than tangible results; Inattentive to detail.\r\n\r\nValue To Team :\r\nCreative problem solver; Great encourager; Motivates others to achieve; Positive sense of humor; Negotiates conflicts; Peace maker - Reliable and dependable; Loyal team worker; Compliant towards authority; Good listener; Patient and empathetic; Good and reconciling conflicts\r\n\r\nNobody is perfect.. but i trying to understand the weaknesses and try to change.
-Menjadi pintar dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara. Pertama, membaca. Kedua, berkumpul bersama orang-orang pintar.- Di Kompasiana ini, saya mendapatkan keduanya!
the dream catcher.. the hole world for my own world... the big famous person for my children.. the strange for my dream.. the romantic person for my imagination.. the big trouble for my anger.. and.. the wise one for my another hope and wish...
Saya pensiunan PNS di Departemen Pertanian, pendidikan terakhir Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Univesity of Melbourne, Australia.
Saat ini giat dalam kegiatan Dakwah dan Tabligh serta menjalankan bisnis Air Oxy
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Panggil saja ical—Lahir di Geser Island, besar di Pulau Buru—sejak awal Februari 1990 hingga kini menetap di Jakarta—visi dan sikap politik: “perlunya pendekatan revolusioner untuk membangun Indonesia yang orisinil dan beradab..."__lebih memilih jadi kritikus dari pada bergabung dengan rezim korup__ mampir ya diblog pribadi saya:
manusia biasa yang belum masak dan senang menulis..berharap bisa berbagi informasi lewat kacamata sempit, yang tersimpan diruang kecil di bagian otak saya....mencoba meramu masakan hidup dalam aliran kata-kata, dari bahan berupa mata, telinga, hidung, mulut, dan hati....