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The Effect Of The Mediation Role Of Value Co-Creation On Loyalty At Hospital

7 Desember 2024   00:39 Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2024   01:32 128
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Knowledge Sharing, namely sharing patient knowledge, ideas, and creativity (Ranjan and Read, 2016).


This study uses a quantitative approach with a research design cross-sectional survey using primary data that will be obtained directly through the distribution of questionnaires from respondents. Researchers use this approach to analyze the relationship between patient participation, customer relationship management (CRM), value co-creation, and patient loyalty at the Obsgyn Polyclinic at the Tasikmalaya Islamic Hospital. The population in this study is 845 outpatients at the Polyclinic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Tasikmalaya Islamic Hospital. This study calculated the research sample size using the Slovin formula, with the following formulation (=5%): (Wiratna, 2014).

n = N / 1 + Ne2

n= 845 / 1 + 845 (0.05)2

n= 271

Based on the formulation of the Slovin calculation above, the study sample size was 271 outpatients at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polyclinic of the Islamic Hospital of Tasikmalaya. The purposive sampling technique determines samples used as a data source based on specific criteria. The data analysis technique uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) calculation.


Test Research Instruments 

Convergent validity is used to prove that the respondent can understand the statement on each latent variable in the same way as the researcher intended. The loading factor value above 0.70 is considered valid (Juliansyah Noor, 2014, p. 157). Based on the analysis results, the loading factor value of each construct indicator variable was more than 0.7. Thus, the data is valid. Furthermore, a discriminatory validity test was conducted to prove the respondents did not confound the questions on each latent variable. The validity of the discrimination is satisfied if the average variance extracted (AVE) of the extracted mean-variance must be higher than the correlation involving the latent variable (Kock & Lynn, 2012). The results of the discrimination validity analysis showed that the AVE CRM value was 0.776 higher than the extracted value, both with patient participation (0.730), co-creation (0.737), and loyalty (0.734). The AVE Loyalty value of 0.829 was higher than the value extracted, with patient participation (0.640) and co-creation (0.740). The AVE value of patient participation was 0.766, more significant than the value extracted with the value of co-creation (0.706). Thus, the validity of the discrimination is fulfilled.

The Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) < 0.10 or 0.08, then the model is considered suitable. In other words, there is a match between the observed correlations. Thus, the SRMR value is 0.031.

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