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The Effect Of The Mediation Role Of Value Co-Creation On Loyalty At Hospital

7 Desember 2024   00:39 Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2024   01:32 128
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Foto :  Rumah Sakit Tasikmalaya 

Thirdly, regarding value co-creation, the Islamic Hospital of Tasikmalaya is encouraged to increase the sharing of knowledge and experience with patients concerning Obstetrics and Gynecology (Obgyn). This approach allows patients to gain valuable insights and knowledge while at the hospital, enriching their overall experience and contributing to value co-creation.

Furthermore, the hospital should focus on providing comprehensive and high-quality medical services to improve patient loyalty. This includes continually upgrading health and pharmaceutical facilities to meet better patient needs, especially in Obstetrics and Gynecology. A commitment to delivering maximum medical services is critical to fostering stronger patient loyalty.

Finally, it is recommended that future research explore similar analyses with different research subjects and locations. Researchers should also consider diversifying research models and variables. Additionally, conducting a more in-depth study on value co-creation and other factors influencing patient loyalty could provide further valuable insights.


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