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Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Komputer




Recognition System 1 (Lecture Summary On September 21, 2022)

30 September 2022   08:58 Diperbarui: 30 September 2022   09:00 131
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1. System 

The system is a combination of elements and components that are combined into one to achieve a certain purpose (goal).

2. Recognition (recognition) 

Recognition is a procedure for assigning a predicate to a topic based on the information provided by its characteristics or pronunciation.

3. Digital 

Digital terms or words are similar to the internet.

4. Pixels 

Pixel is an image component or branch of a smallest point in a graphic image that is calculated per dim.

5. Image 

An image is a combination of points, lines, planes, and colors to create an artificial one of an entity -- usually an object or a human being. Images can be in the form of two-dimensional images, such as paintings, photographs, and three-dimensional images, such as sculptures.

6. Digital Image 

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