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Nature Pilihan

Budgeting and Intention to Manage Waste

25 Juni 2023   12:45 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2023   12:54 194
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Garbage is a residue of human daily activities and natural processes in solid form. Law No.18 of 2008 concerning Waste Article 2 paragraph (1) Divided the Types of waste which consist of: a. household waste; b. household-like waste; and c. specific waste.

 In reducing household waste, the Government has issued a National Policy and Strategy (Jakstranas) for the Management of Household Waste and Household-like waste through Law No. 18 of 2008 concerning Waste and Presidential Regulation Number 97 of 2017. The issuance of these two regulations targets a reduction of 30 to 70 percent of household waste by 2025. However, the presence of these two regulations has yet to have an effect due to the waste from DKI Jakarta to the Bantar Gebang Bekasi Final Disposal Site (TPA) every day instead of decreasing but increasing day by day.

 Based on data from the Dinas DKI LH, it is known that 5,665 tons of waste entered Bantar Gebang Bekasi Final Disposal Site per day, 6,419 tons in 2015, 6,562 tons in 2016, 6,875 tons in 2017, 7,453 tons in 2018, 7,702 tons in 2019 and 2020 as many as 7,424 tons.

The amount of DKI Jakarta waste going to the Bantar Gebang Bekasi Final Disposal Site continues to increase daily. For example, on April 18, 2023, there were 8,399 tons. On April 19, 2023, there were 9,325 tons. On April 20, 2023, there were 8,327 tons, and on April 21, 2023, there were 8,932 tons.

The daily increase of DKI Jakarta waste will incapacitate the Bantar Gebang Final Disposal Site if the Government does not enforce strict laws against indiscriminate waste disposal, and every waste-producing community is not willing to process their waste in its place, instead of simply transferring it to officials, to Garbage Dump (TPS) and Bantar Gebang Final Disposal Site (TPA).

 To reduce piles of waste, the DKI Regional Government has actually targeted the Sunter North Jakarta " Intermediate Treatment Facility " (ITF) project, which is projected to be able to process up to 2,200 tons of waste per day. In the realization plan (ITF), DKI BUMD, namely PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro), proposes Regional Equity Participation (PMD) in the 2022 APBD in the amount of IDR 517 billion and in 2023 and in the amount of IDR 239 billion.

 The ITF Sunter project has been groundbreaking since December 20, 2018 and requires funds of US$350 or up to Rp.4.99 trillion, which is being worked on together with Fortum Power Heat and Oy, a company engaged in the power generation sector from Finland. However, Fortum Power Heat and Oy have withdrawn from the Sunter ITF project, allegedly due to the absence of central government guarantees for a planned loan of US$240 or around Rp.3.42 trillion from the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

However, until now, the ITF Sunter still needs to be settled, which resulted that every community shall process their waste on each specific spot in order to help reduce waste from DKI Jakarta to TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi.

Considering that it has been 5 (five) years since the DKI Jakarta government has not continued the Sunter ITF Project, it is under suspicion the DKI Jakarta mountain of garbage that is getting higher in Bantar Gebang Bekasi became enjoyable for certain parties due to the fact that  DKI Jakarta's annual waste management budget is around Rp. 1.2 trillion will continue to exist and flow into certain pockets.

 In order to continue moving DKI Jakarta's waste to the Bantar Gebang Bekasi TPA, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency said that the compensation fund for extending the cooperation agreement between the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the Bekasi City Government for 2021 for up to 5 years is IDR 379.5 billion per year. Indeed, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has a special fee for the Integrated Waste Management Unit worth: IDR 1,185,436,108,206 (IDR 1.18 trillion) in 2019,

and it is very likely that this special fee will be even higher in 2021 to 2023.

 The delay of the ITF project until now is questionable because the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has 2022 APBD funds of Rp. 517 billion, and the Integrated Waste Management Fund in 2019 is around IDR 1.18 trillion. If the integrated funds are calculated from 2017 to 2023, the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta has funds of at least Rp. 6 trillion, and should be enough to build the Sunter IFT project if the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta intends to build it and reduce DKI Jakarta's pile of waste to the Bantar Gebang Bekasi TPA which is already over capacity.


 As stated above, DKI Jakarta's piles of garbage are increasing day by day and one of the solutions for the DKI Jakarta Regional Government should be to actively conduct outreach and assistance so that each community processes waste in its place and does not transfer waste to TPS and TPA.

 During my visit to the waste processing site in Chattanooga City, Tennessee - USA, Sunday, June 1 2023, I saw how to process waste from waste-producing communities and waste workers. Every waste-producing community generally has to sort the waste into three trash bins at home, such as organic, non-organic, and recycled waste, if they don't sort the waste, they will be fined by the local Government, and officials will not pick up the trash. Officers collect garbage on different days according to the type of waste. This is to avoid mixing each type of waste. In addition, each of the waste is transported by officers to a different place so that each waste is easier to manage and has a maximum designation.

Recyclable waste will be sorted and reused according to its designation, while non-recyclable waste will be delivered to the waste bunker so that the waste produces gas. The gas generated from the waste will be sold, which generates millions of dollars every year. Hopefully, this method can be emulated by the Regional Government of DKI Jakarta.

In order to reduce DKI Jakarta's pile of garbage, it would be nice if every member of the community was willing to sort the waste at home according to its type. Sorting waste and managing household waste can help the Bantar Gebang Bekasi TPA , in addition to making the house cleaner, more comfortable and easy to process.

 The first step for managing waste, leftovers, and recyclables is as follows.

  • Use cloth bags repeatedly when shopping and replace plastic bags. This little thing significantly reduces the amount of waste in the house.
  • Buy food with less or no packaging. If you buy more and more packaged goods, you will collect garbage at home every day.
  • Do vermicomposting, which is to make compost Alone with mixed soil to organic waste or bury it in the ground. This compost reduces waste and is useful for fertilizing plants around the house
  • Bring a water bottle or tumbler. Bottle packaging creates a waste problem. Carrying a drinking water bottle is more economical and more beneficial for protecting the environment.
  • Reduce paper usage. Use the paperless billing option, and choose to pay online. Consider reading the news online.
  • Donate items if possible. If you have old clothes, electronics, or other items you don't want but are still in good working order, donate them instead, don't throw them away. This reduces the pile of waste.
  • Reuse existing containers. Durable containers can be reused several times before being disposed of or recycled. Bottles, boxes, and bags have other uses as needed.
  • Follow the rules for processing waste and try to recycle household waste.
  • Dispose of trash and hazardous waste in the right way. 

Some household items cannot be recycled or reused. Such items should be disposed of in the trash or at a dedicated waste disposal facility.

That's what we can say to reduce waste. Let's process our waste instead of transferring it to TPS or TPA. I hope it is useful and can be properly implemented in our local waste management






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