tawang blau
amidst the bustling of the city's fray
I gaze up high to the cerulean display
a canvas of blue, vast and wide
a sight that fills my heart with pride
the sun shines bright, a radiant flare
its warmth embraces me, without a care
a gentle breeze, a whisper in my ear
reminds me of a time without fear
above me, clouds like marshmallow fluff
floating gently, in their feathered stuff
a choreography of shapes so free
a dance of grace, for all to see
I close my eyes, and take a deep breath
the sky's grandeur, a balm to my soul's death
and as I open them again to see
I'm reminded of life's simple beauty
this moment, nothing else exists
but the blue sky, a gift that persists
and I'm grateful for this day so bright
such melodic rhythm that brings delight
Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, 6 Mei 2023
#puisinggris #keminggris - langit biru
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