luwih seneng dhewean
I am an introvert, it's plain to see
the world is loud, it's not for me
I prefer the quiet, the calm, the still
where I can think and just be still
small talk and chatter, they wear me down
I crave deep conversations, that's where I'm found
I don't need a crowd, just a friend or few
who understand my silence, my unique hue
I am an introvert, and that's okay
I'll take my time, in my own way
the world needs all kinds, extroverts too
but for me, the quiet, it will always do
so if you see me in a corner, lost in thought
don't think I'm unfriendly, or that I'm not
I'm just an introvert, in my element
and that's where I'm happiest, and most content
Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, 22 April 2023
#puisinggris - introver
~ hjhj ~
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