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Every Single Day

16 Desember 2012   23:51 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   19:32 97
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Every single day

Is no ordinary day

I am trap in the lab

No friends but rat

Messing around with my sample

Time is flying so fast,

Yet I am crawling so slowly

Deadline is approaching

Yet I’m still analysing

Every single day

I am gaining data

Yet I’m losing weight

Too many data

Gives me a headache

Too little food

Gives me a stomach ache

Every single day,

I’ve to fight with myself

I wish I can relax

Yet I’ve too many things to do

I wish I can explore the world

Yet I can only see empty lab

I wish I can gaze upon the blue sky

Yet I can only stare the white ceiling

I wish I can feel the fresh air

Yet the air is so humid


Every single day,

This is the life that I chose

I chose to be in the lab

In the lab I work

Work from dawn to dusk

Yes, the sky is dark

But I can see the stars

The moon is shining

Yes, the air is humid

But I’m still breathing


Every single day

I’ve no regrets

Life is too beautiful

To be wasted away

I am glad

That I’m alive

I smile

And I’m happy


Mohon tunggu...

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