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Let's We Know about Maqasid Shariah

5 Mei 2019   21:28 Diperbarui: 6 Mei 2019   07:45 111
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Islamic Banks to replace Conventional Banks. With Islamic Banks can eliminate the usury in the banking world, which will be replaced by sharing profit. With the sharing profit, the customer's assets are covered by illicit assets, because the Islamic bank tries to maintain and allocate customer funds properly and rightfully. Islamic banks can also maintain the soul to respect each other and keep the mandate given, through the contracts that are implemented. Islamic Banks can also guard ourselves and our mind not to easily abuse and deceive each other by explaining bank products in detail without covered up.

Maqasid Shariah is also so much needed in banking regulation making. With the Maqasid Shariah approach, Islamic Bank products can develop well and can response the business progress. Maqasid Sharia will also make Islamic Banks grow faster and create new products creatively.

Without Maqasid Shariah Islamic Banks, it will be difficult and slow to develop, the supervisors easily blame the truth when auditing Islamic Banks, and regulators will be easy to reject innovative products that are in accordance with Shariah.

-MaqSh Teamone, Faculty of Econonics and Business, Brawijaya University, gen. 2018-

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