Menulis di Kompasiana untuk menyalurkan hobi & berbagi info..( Hobi lainnya adalah berenang, yoga, membaca, bersepeda, bermain (& mengajar) gitar, keyboard, biola. meditasi, dan aktifitas kreatif lainnya. Aktifitas internet saya bisa dilihat di sini\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
The Official Page of Dewa Klasik Alexander. \r\n\r\nSocial Activist, Entrepreneur, Creative Thinker, Branding & Digital Marketing Consultant.\r\n\r\nPray, Plan and Play the best. \r\n\r\nLive by miracle, favor and grace of Jesus Christ. \r\n\r\nLiving to know Jesus Christ, dying to make Him known.\r\n\r\nMy main projects : Innovate nothing to be something, develop nobody to be somebody! \r\n\r\nCP: