Back to the big bang and black holes, singularity behind both can be dismissed if quantum effect is taken into account. And it was observed in mini black holes from twin stars. If in regular black holes everything went into it would be swallowed into singularity with nothing left, not with mini black holes. Because based on the thermodynamics theory, there's radiation leaking out of it.
If singularity actually applied to any kind of black holes, the radiation couldn't be leaking because there was no matter. In the black hole, whatever went in was crushed out of existence at the singularity. A black hole was empty curved space. How could particles rain out of empty space? (Overbye, 1991)
That's when the Uncertainty Principle plays.
One of the strange implications of the Uncertainty Principles, Hawking knew, was there was no such thing as absolute nothing: space could never be completely empty. The reason was because the amount of mass- energy in some volume, say in a box, was always uncertain no matter how carefully it was measured. That's a vacuum fluctuation. (Overbye, 1991)
Have you learnt in school how an electron can be seen as an X ray form by hitting it with some energy?
Vacuum fluctuations manifested itself in the form of elementary particles, dancing briefly into existence. These so called virtual particles were created in complimentary pairs, like electron with its antiparticle, positron. They lived on borrowed energy for an infinitesimal fraction of second and then met, cancelling each other out of the existence, and paying back the debt of the energy to the universe- in this case, in the form of radiation (Overbye, 1991)
Crazy as it sounded, physicist, W.F. Lamb, Jr. had won Nobel Prize for measuring the effect of these ghost particles on atomic transition in hydrogen atoms. The vacuum was really an invisible fountain of creation (Overbye, 1991).
Inflation Theory
Astronomers in 1920's found out that many stars in other galaxies were redshifted. It means they shifted away from each other. It's like seeing black dots on a balloon being blown to move apart from each other. This observation concludes that our universe is expanding.