Global challenges in political-economic aspects, such as rising oil prices due to declining reserves and energy crises linked to Russia's military aggression, contribute to the weakening of countries' climate commitments. The political-economic dilemma diverts attention from long-term climate crises to short-term issues. The impact of the climate crisis undermines global economic growth potential and poses a significant threat to prosperity and development. Although the G20 focuses on pandemic management, environmental issues, and SDG achievement, the interplay between environmental conditions and an unhealthy economy is crucial. The G20 Summit is anticipated to yield positive outcomes, forming strong commitments and tangible actions amidst the political-economic dilemma and the climate crisis.
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Cahyadi, Firdaus. (2021). Paviliun Indonesia Untuk COP26, Ajang Lip Service Aksi Iklim.
Greenpeace. Id. (2022). Presiden Jokowi Ingkar Janji Atasi Krisis Iklim.
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