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Hanifah Zahra Arsa
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Saya adalah seorang mahasiswi di Universitas Negeri Padang dengan program studi Pendidikan Kimia. Saya memiliki sikap pekerja keras, disiplin, teliti, dan bertanggung jawab. Saya suka belajar bahasa asing terutama bahasa inggris.




Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in School?

5 Oktober 2024   22:12 Diperbarui: 5 Oktober 2024   22:35 12
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Classroom. Sumber Ilustrasi : PEXELS

Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives, offering convenience and connectivity like never before. However, their use in schools has sparked debates among educators, parents, and students. Should students be allowed to use their cell phones during school hours? Despite the fact that the use of mobile phones by students in schools can be used positively and constructively in order to enhance their learning, the same technological devices can be utilized negatively.

First, cell phones can be a major distraction in the classroom. Instead of focusing on lessons, students may be tempted to text friends, play games, or browse social media during class. This can lead to a decrease in academic performance and disrupt the learning environment for other students. Teachers may find it challenging to monitor cell phone use, which can ultimately hinder the educational process.

Second, cell phones can facilitate cheating during exams or assignments. With access to the internet and messaging apps, students may be tempted to search for answers or share information with their peers, undermining the integrity of the educational system. This makes it difficult for teachers to ensure a fair and honest evaluation of students' abilities.

Third, social interaction and personal development. Schools are not only a place for academic learning but also an environment where students learn important social skills, such as effective communication, collaboration, and empathy. When students are glued to their phones, they miss out on opportunities to engage with their peers, participate in group activities, and develop meaningful relationships. Excessive use of mobile devices can lead to social isolation, reducing students' ability to form strong interpersonal bonds.

In conclusion, cell phones should not be allowed in schools because they are a significant source of distraction, facilitate cheating, and hinder social interaction and personal development. While mobile technology has its benefits, its presence in educational settings poses more challenges than advantages. By prohibiting cell phones, schools can create an environment that promotes focus, academic integrity, and the social growth of students, ultimately contributing to a more effective and supportive learning experience.

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