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Hamdali Anton
Hamdali Anton Mohon Tunggu... English Teacher

Saya adalah seorang guru bahasa Inggris biasa di kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur. || E-mail : || WA: 082353613105 || Instagram Custom Case : || YouTube: English Itu Fun



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Memperoleh Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris lewat "Daily Activities"

12 Januari 2023   10:03 Diperbarui: 12 Januari 2023   12:45 1676
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have a meeting= mengikuti sebuah rapat

  • exercise = berolahraga

  • go home = pulang ke rumah

  • Setelah mendata kata-kata kerja yang dibutuhkan, Anda bisa menuliskan "daily activities" versi Anda sebagai pekerja.


    I get up at four o'clock in the morning. After that, I exercise for thirty minutes. I run around my housing complex. Then, I write an article at five o'clock. At a quarter to six, I take a bath and get dressed. I have breakfast at six. I usually have fried rice and an omelette for my breakfast.

    Then, I drive to work at seven. At the office, I write a report about my work. We usually have a meeting at a quarter past ten to discuss about job evaluation in a week or in a month.

    I have lunch at twelve o'clock. After that, I continue my work until five o'clock. Then, I exercise in the park near my office. I walk around thirty minutes.

    I go home at a quarter to six. Next, I take a bath, get dressed, and have dinner with my family at half past six. After that, I read a book for thirty minutes. Then, I accompany my children to study their lessons for tomorrow.

    Last but not least, I chat with my wife before we go to bed at nine o'clock. 


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