Mohon tunggu...
Hamdali Anton
Hamdali Anton Mohon Tunggu... English Teacher

Saya adalah seorang guru bahasa Inggris biasa di kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur. || E-mail : || WA: 082353613105 || Instagram Custom Case : || YouTube: English Itu Fun



Healthy Pilihan

Running, Defeat Ourselves

15 Oktober 2022   14:59 Diperbarui: 15 Oktober 2022   15:01 242
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Checkpoint around seven or eight out of 10K (Taken from FB of Bots Runners)

I have been running since 1994. How old am I now? I will not tell you that. That's a secret. But I enjoy running. For the purposes why I do running, I will explain in the other article.

In fact, I never run more than five kilometres. I never pass until 5K. How about more than 10K? I have no experience in running until that far distance.

Suddenly,in this year, 2022, I decided to take that "long journey" when I joined one of the running communities in my city, Samarinda.

Actually, at the first time, I was not sure to join the community, because I am a typical alone runner. Besides, there was nobody who invited me to be the part of that community.

But, because someone who also ran in the morning told me about Bots Runners Indonesia, one of the running communities in Samarinda, I felt interested to see the way they 'run' together every Sunday.

"There will be a high motivation that we can get rather than run alone," Tom (not a real name) said.

I thought, I considered, and the final conclusion was "Why not?".

I tried to find the schedule when the community did the running activities. I searched on the social media of Bots Runners Indonesia in Instagram and Facebook. 'Pelarian', that they call for the 'running session', will be placed in the different spots every Sunday morning, at six o'clock sharp for preparation before running. Warming up around ten till fifteen minutes.

After that, 'the show' began. Because I was a newcomer (it was about three months ago), I took a short route, around five kilometres. 5K.

One step by one step. It was not quite convenient for the early minutes. But after that, I felt comfortable. The feet stepped easily.

For several 'running time' or it is called 'pelarian', I just took short routes. Around three or four times,. I did not think that I could run more than five kilos or reach 10K.

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