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Muhammad Hafidz Furqon
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Parenting Class, Child Growth and Development

7 Desember 2023   16:34 Diperbarui: 7 Desember 2023   16:37 120
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Research About (Parenting Class )

By: Muhammad Rifqi Dwi Putra and Muhammad Hafidz Furqon

Background: Researching how children's behavior and growth and development at an early age, and how to direct children to become talented children and children who are beneficial to others.

Parenting Class

(Parenting Patterns)

The importance of early childhood care (0-3 years) in shaping the next generation of leaders, with reference to the Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development report. As much as 80% of a baby's brain is formed during this period, motivating Tanoto Foundation to improve the quality of childcare. Early childhood care involves the process of educating, shaping characters and behaviors that are useful to society. The state of care patterns in Indonesia indicates the risk of missing out on optimal development in 250 million under-fives, due to poverty, stunting, and lack of nurturing. Most parents in Indonesia (75%) do not make efforts to improve their own capacity in parenting, which negatively affects children's growth and development and can lead to difficulties in school and reduced income in the future. Therefore, the need to increase parents' parenting capacity to provide care, protection and love for their children is emphasized.

Interview Session:
(About parenting patterns)

Q : How is your parenting in educating your children so that later they become children that you can expect and of course can become children who are beneficial to fellow human beings?

A : The first answer is to give children an understanding of the applications and behaviors that must be done.  Then the second is to give freedom to children, because children's talents and interests are all different, we give freedom to children so parents are obliged to support them when they have certain interests. And sometimes the child's interests and talents are already visible when the child is still at an early age, for example when he is talented in the field of public speaking or he is talented in sports and so on. The point is to give freedom to the child to express what he wants but still parents help to limit things that do become a threat in ethics. Maybe that's the answer from father hopefully it helps.

Closing : 

Thank you for reading our article, we hope it can help or add insight, and lastly we are very, very grateful, we hope it is useful.

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