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The Negative Impact of Piracy

17 Mei 2017   09:00 Diperbarui: 17 Mei 2017   09:18 753
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     Do you know what piracy is? Piracy is a familiar action to include things that tend to be classified as illegal and even criminal things. The activity includes copying or distribution of unauthorized software on copyrighted. According to Sterling (1999) cited in Panethiere,(2005)  piracy refers to “the activity of manufacturing unauthorized pirate copies of protected material and dealing with such copies by way of distribution and sale, example: Piracy of software applications, movies, songs in digital format (MP3, MP4) etc.”  Piracy has a lot negative impacts, which will be described below.

     The first negative impact is creator's work will not get any money. It means that the creator will not get money from the result of his work because his work is distributed illegally. Illegal deployment has been circulating among people for example like selling cassette CD / DVD piracy, games pc or console piracy, software piracy, piracy of music or video in one of the illegal websites and piracy of books. The spread of piracy in the form of CD / DVD is now getting worse. General Manager of the Association of Indonesian Record Industry, Ventha Lesmana, said, “album in the form of solid discs on the market 95 percent pirated”. So far, there have been a hundred websites that violate copyrights and have been reported (Pambudi, 2015).

    The next second negative impact is the government does not get tax revenue from the creator, which in turn hamper economic growth in our country. As a result of widespread piracy business in the country, the government could hardly solve the problem because the pirates were undeterred despite warnings selling laws of copyright infringement. Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan, said that “the potential of Indonesian music industry losses due to piracy at 4.5 billion rupiah per year. He reveals that musicians just enjoy about ten percent of the value of consumption potential reached 5 trillion per year” (Ratriansyah, 2014).

    The Third negative impact is people become so spoilt because they have been conditioned to use something which is illegal without a lot of money. This causes a downturn in the interest of the community to the original product and prefer to choose pirated products which are far cheaper than the original one.    

    There are some important points that we know about piracy, such as common understanding of piracy and the consequences that occur from piracy itself. In addition, There are some negative impacts of piracy. So we need appreciate other’s works, not pirating and no enjoying the pirated works.


Panithiere, Darrel. (2005). The Persistence Of Piracy: The Consequences For Creativity, For    

      Culture, And For Sustainable Development. e-copyright bulletin, page 1-19

Pambudi, Luhur Tri (2015, October 15). Asiri: 95 Persen CD Album di Pasaran Bajakan [web log                  

      post]. Retrieved from 


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