Mohon tunggu...
Gpl4all Debian
Gpl4all Debian Mohon Tunggu... wiraswasta -

gpl4all is my nickname and i've been using it as an online personality since i've found Linux and Open Source Software movement back in 1994.\r\n\r\ni am Indonesian, stay in Jakarta, have my own business, and an IT consultant.




You May Call It Intro, Hello World, Whatever

16 September 2013   22:06 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   07:47 34
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first of all, i accustomed to write in lower case, and use upper case when i feel it is very necessary, and i write in english altough i'm indonesian, the only reason is because i'm actually a technical writter, and all of my writings are in english. in some occasion i might write something in indonesian and it should be related to situation of my own country, probably politic or business/economy.

i will not consider my present here in kompasiana as a reporter like most of kompasiana are, but i will put myself as a reviewer. before i go to far, i have to tell you this: i disstaste most of so called reporters that are not comply to journalistic ethics and law and write his/her reports in kompasiana only to achieve something that benefitted one interest. also ones that reporting something that he/she doesn't really understand and even worst one that copy and paste just fill his/her kompasiana ... what a jerks...

this is my first post in kompasiana and i will consider it as my introduction which i will share bit of my background, personally and mostly professionally.

i'm not young, not so old, and reluctant to publish my age as public consumption, so take it that way. and from my profile photo you should understand that i'm a guy, not a girl. the bike in the photo is not mine, i don't ride bike, forbidden since i had an accident back in 1998 if not mistaken. now i drive my beloved A6 audi, usually high speed and at night.

yes, you read it right, at night. i do all my works at home and seldomly get up from my desk at home. should there any need of meeting in person, i will arrange it at night, most early 10pm, otherwise we meet on the net by email, or messaging. i don't want to waste my precious time on traffic jam in jakarta during the day just to meet someone, whatever important that is.

i don't have any degree in education, got 2+ years at university majoring computer engineering, and dropped out because i had my first job with US based multinational IT company and i felt that the formal education i attended was no more than a formality to have a piece of paper explaining that this person has a degree. that's not important to me.

but based on that couple of years in university, and my first job experience, i learnt a lot about many things in IT. you named it, coding, reverse engineering, operating system, system design, network topology, communication, manufacturing process, business engineering, what the hell, i can't even remember all of those now.

nowadays my knowledge in IT become one of my hobby only, asside from photography and reading. my main business is in healthcare, traditional handycraft, and will start (soon) manufacturing.

i thing this rif raf has gone to far, i have to stop but i will update this whenever i feel right and i need to.

hope you are all enjoy my future writings.

Mohon tunggu...

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