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Career in Digital Marketing: Where and Why Should a Junior Specialist Go?

23 September 2020   12:57 Diperbarui: 23 September 2020   14:24 73
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In this article, Go Mobile explains what people do in digital marketing and what you need to do to get into the industry. Spoiler: you don't need to sell your soul.

Marketing is not just selling and profiting from it. It involves the creation of strategic chains, hypothesis testing, and the generation of creative solutions. The main task of a marketer is to use all available tools to promote a brand and increase sales.

We can divide marketing tools into two main categories: ideas and distribution channels. At first, a marketer needs to come up with a description of product benefits and select the most appropriate channels for it. Then, a marketing message needs to be adapted to each channel.

However, digital marketing is constantly developing, so the rules have changed. Along with creativity and distribution channels concepts like targeting, big data, and artificial intelligence became extremely important. Technologies are the key to information that lets us precisely calculate the effectiveness of an ad campaign, define target audience segments, characteristics, and behavior, optimize the placement, and create a promotional strategy.

These capabilities made digital marketing the most prioritized and at the same time the most complex sphere of marketing.

What does a digital marketer do?

A digital marketer promotes brands and attracts audiences by using digital tools like social networks, e-mail, advertising on search engines and websites, bloggers. The standard process of working with any of these tools involves building a strategy, developing creatives, launching advertising campaigns, testing hypotheses, analysis, optimization.

In addition to being creative, you have to work (a lot) in Excel.

Where to begin?

There are several options.

In an agency, you can try yourself in different tasks, and most importantly, in a variety of projects. In an agency, you can gain experience of working with different businesses, tools, and channels. Here you have more chances to figure out what you like and decide on the direction of your career.

In an agency, you can choose not only a marketing position that requires planning and/or launching campaigns but also other positions. For example, account manager, sales manager, strategist, analyst, or project manager.

Working for a brand is perfect for people who like to multitask and focus on only one product. You can gain a profound knowledge of how to promote a specific type of business and how to use tools that are the most relevant to it.

Sounds great, but how can I get in? What if I don't have any experience?

Don't worry, you can be a complete newbie. Despite fierce competition, the market suffers from staff shortages. More and more brands are investing in digital promotion, budgets are growing, agencies are multiplying. And there are not enough people.

Many companies are ready to hire juniors and invest in them. At first, it is quite costly, but it lets them train employees in accordance with corporate standards.

If you are scared to apply for a junior position, you can still apply for an internship. Agencies regularly hire interns, and brands are likely to hire an assistant even if they don't have an open position.


Salary in digital is often tied to KPIs (performance indicators) set by the employer. It's a great opportunity for companies to evaluate everything financially and calculate the ROI of the specialists. And employees can easily influence their income.

Where to study?

Degrees in advertising, PR, and marketing can be considered relevant. But it is also important to keep in mind that technologies are constantly evolving, some tools are losing their relevance and academic education is not designed for such quick transformation.

The good news is that digital employers usually don't ask their candidates to have a particular university degree. People from different backgrounds can work in digital marketing.

If you graduated from a well-known university, it usually means that you can easily learn even if your degree is in a completely different field.

The employer will appreciate your interest if you have taken additional courses to get an idea about the tools in advance. There is an even easier learning approach --- you can read blogs of agencies and brands on specialized sites, where experts write about the latest market news and important cases from their practice.

What is important?

1. To be flexible

In digital marketing, everything is constantly changing, so you need to adapt quickly to this by using new tools, trying fresh formats, and learning new things.

2. Creativity

You need to test different approaches, break patterns, generate ideas 24/7. In the digital space, freedom for creativity reigns, but it is important to use this freedom correctly.

3. Speed and determination

In digital marketing all processes are VERY fast: receive a task in the morning, brainstorm with colleagues in the afternoon, and send ideas to the customer for approval in the evening. There is no time for long reflection and idleness. There is always something to do, and if not, then check your diary (for sure there is something).

Where to look for vacancies?

The traditional way is to go to job search sites. You can also write directly to the agencies and brands you like. Important: personalize your letter, write why you are interested in working for this particular company.

What to write in the application?

Quite often a cover letter can have more impact on HR than the CV.

Spend some time on creating a proper letter: tell the truth, describe your career goals, and explain how your experience (even if it is only academic) can help you in a particular position.

If you like several positions, be honest about it, and explain your motivation. A good HR will appreciate sincerity and will help you choose the right position.

It is better to replace the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V approach by personalizing the letter for each company. This does not require long research: by checking the website and social networks, you will understand what kind of people work in the company, and you will be able to figure out how they communicate and what they value.

What to do with the resume?

Don't lie about your experience and skills. The truth will be quickly revealed, and the impression of you will be spoiled. Even if you are new to digital, tell us about your projects, achievements, and internships. Often, this experience is no less valuable and interesting for the employer.

Do not be afraid of test assignments. It is helpful not only for the employer but also for you. It will help you to understand what you will have to do in a particular position and will show the employer how responsibly you take the job. Just think about it, most of the applicants fall off at this stage so you can become the one who will get the main prize.

How to act during the interview?

Made it to the final stage? Congratulations! Gather all your courage and go. Be yourself, speak the truth, and be sincere. Show why you want to join the company.

First steps

You have come such a long way, but all the fun is ahead! We know how difficult it is at first, so we warn you: it is okay.

1. Don't be afraid of hardships

At first, everything may seem incomprehensible and difficult, but it will pass. Giving up is the wrong tactic. Just wait it out and move forward.

2. Ask a lot

Ask your colleagues to explain to you the inner processes and current tasks to quickly get up to speed. If you do not understand the task, do not be afraid to admit it, they will help you figure it out.

3. Don't spread yourself too thin

We understand how you want to show your best side and work on all the tasks at once. This can cause a quick burn out, so focus on one to three tasks and complete them gradually. Give yourself time to get used to the new rhythm and become a part of the workflow.

In an agency, you can choose not only a marketing position that requires planning and/or launching campaigns but also other positions. For example, account manager, sales manager, strategist, analyst, or project manager.

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