Mohon tunggu...
Giri Lumakto
Giri Lumakto Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Pegiat Literasi Digital

Digital Ethicist | Pemerhati Pendidikan Literasi Digital, Teknologi, dan Budaya | Curriculum Developer for Tular Nalar from | K'ers of The Year 2018 | LPDP 2016 | STA Australia Awards 2019 | LinkedIn: girilumakto | Twitter: @lumaktonian | email:




Just to Get My Mind Occupied

28 November 2016   14:49 Diperbarui: 28 November 2016   14:59 106
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Concept Mindfulness - illustration:

What do you do when you're lonely? You are on your own. Nobody. 

Your mind would wander. That is for sure. You yearn for that same situation, place, people that you know so well. You long for that scent, scene, feeling and clutter that your mind familiar to. You have this out of body experience. That is, your mind just not exactly your body is.

The fantasy your mind create is not mere illusion. It's so elusive, surreal or even aberrant. The need just to be surrounded by things you feel comfort with is the basic instinct. It's like cave where bear hibernates for months. It also the place where salmon return every year to mate and lay their eggs. 

Bear would loss pounds of his weight just to snuggle in the warmth and serene cave. Bear could lower their heart rate and slow down breathing to hibernate. These increase the potential death in bear's dormant period. But bear does this every year. It's the way they survive. It's also way to recollect the feeling and warmth of cave they grow in.

Salmon lays their eggs in lake they once born. Through rivers, water streams, and shallow pocket of water salmon deteriorate its body. It's a way for them to reproduce. It's also way for salmon to reach a homecoming in such a despairing way. Once salmon mates and lays eggs, they will die. Either salmon dies along the way to reach the destination as prey or as they reach 'sublime' state, it reaches their dream. It is their home.

Once our mind is boggled by the state of home-sick, a real sickness struck. Probably, the most common feeling as you feel lonely is sadness. It's a natural way to respond the want you just can't fulfill. As sadness proceeds to its intense state, you could probably feel lethargic. You don't want to do anything. You just want to sit all day and contemplate. People see you're being so sluggish or lazy. But it is your catharsis of the sadness you can't overcome. 

Like bear's and salmon's way of recollecting their longing to place, state and feeling once they know. People should do exactly the same. Not that you should exacerbate to your sad state of feeling. But occupying your mind with the way you should achieve your yearning is the best way you can do.

Do something you love when you are alone. Writing as I usually do, can really recall the mindfulness. The feeling of you as a whole. You are alive and breathing. You could do something good rather just drown in lust. 

Occupying your mind drives you back to the struggle to reach your goal. The goal is of course to be back to the place, feeling and state you know the most. Because, once you trap and lure yourself in melancholia tune, you're a static human being. Get up and set yourself ready for the journey. It would be long and arduous. But treading yourself in tears can't help you either.

Let's get our mind occupied - positively.


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