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Giri Lumakto
Giri Lumakto Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Pegiat Literasi Digital

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Alert! Facebook Starts to Legally Prey on Your Children

4 Juni 2014   18:17 Diperbarui: 26 Mei 2019   21:02 61
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To play outside and explore the world, will unlikely happen. They will be forced to dwell inside a box named the internet. And will loose the sense of playing with friends or quarreling with peers. 

The actual life skills to life will be intentionally replaced by Facebook. The actual world will be replaced by the placebo of having fun in the social world called Facebook. It is where children actually interact with machine or human played as machine. 

It is where interaction is merely a stimulus-response action. It is not the real world where children interaction is complex and unique. 

Should Children and Parents In Indonesia Be Aware of This? 

It is likely so. Unfortunately, the improvement in technology does not goes well with the parents' concern and awareness. The internet which grows faster than the awareness and concern of its users in Indonesia, has actually crippled Indonesian people. 

They can have the technology at their disposal, but only few recognize and actually concern of issues derived from the internet. Sadly, there are over 30 million Indonesian children and adolescent in the internet today. As it is a report from UNICEF and Ministry of Communication and Informatics of Indonesia.

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika bersama UNICEF mengungkapkan 30 juta anak-anak dan remaja di Indonesia merupakan pengguna internet. Sementara itu, media digital telah menjadi pilihan utama saluran komunikasi yang digunakan.

Studi yang didanai oleh UNICEF dan dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Kominfo ini menelusuri aktivitas online dari sampel anak dan remaja usia 10-19 (sebanyak 400 responden) yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan mewakili wilayah perkotaan dan pedesaan. (berita:

And for sure, this should be a public and government concern. As in the case of Facebook children 'safety' application, parents in Indonesia should divert their children perspective of the social media. 

What should be defined as social is the actual playing and interacting in real world. Though Facebook offer a fantastic world to explore, just remember that children is naturally should play outside. 

They should see and learn in their own way about the actual world. And it should not be the social world of internet or even Facebook. Parents should explain to their children that the internet is only a helping tool for us, human. And it is not the place where we actually live. 

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