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(Eng) 25 Things to Remind on 25 Years Old

13 Oktober 2020   07:22 Diperbarui: 14 Oktober 2020   05:02 276
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These are some reflection of mine for turning 25:

  1. You can't chase every opportunity in life at the same time. Just focus on things you can manage or doing what you feel it good. 
  2. You are such a great people. You more often faced the troubles and deadlines, you used to be under pressure, you are a good friend of stress. You always could cooling you down and stay focus to accomplish any kind of task.
  3. There's no changes if you don't take any moves or not trying to do something different.
  4. It's human to be feel fear, it's your first (time to) life. Isn't everyone too?
  5. Is there something make you fear if you had overcame any kind of worst in life?
  6. You good in some way, you might be don't in some way as well. You couldn't be good for every single things you take and you might be couldn't pleasure every single one that expecting you to. Nothing's perfect, no one is perfect. But we could be learning and actually we wouldn't stop learning over the rest of life.
  7. Being scolded or silent wouldn't less the real quality of you.
  8. It's okay to be not okay.
  9. Let every toxic thing away.
  10. Let anyone expect everything from you but don't let them control you.
  11. Don't expecting too much on someone even less direct them to be what we'd like to. Everyone need a chance, just like you.
  12. Don't pretend to be strong if you are not. Don't pretend to smile if it isn't fit on you. Just show what you really feel or think.
  13. Be confidence for being yourself. If you think you are weird so everybody is weird. We're just human being.
  14. You are better than you in the past, but you don't even need clarifying because we're not living in the past.
  15. Keep your family with cares and loves.
  16. It's okay if you are not have a lot of friends. It's okay if you are not being spotlight. No one cares people more than themselves anyway. Don't wasting your time for artificial. Love what you do and lived for being yourself are the real happiness and most precious things in life.
  17. Following your unsuccessful in relationship, you just realize that maybe you have hurt someone in past and wonder if time could be back to you but they'd never come. You need to apologize yourself sincerely then let them go.
  18. Everyone has their own timing. Just take your time.
  19. Keep your faith. Destiny is real though sometimes it felt not real.
  20. Busy is okay but being productive is cool.
  21. Your time is more limited so don't wasting to care something useless.
  22. Watch what you eating, start to working out, and don't forget to resting.
  23. Saving your money.
  24. You are rich when you share anything you have like money, knowledge, time, or positive energy. You could share everything but don't ever count how much it would pay you back.
  25. Keep humble and be helpful.

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