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Ilmu Sosbud

Utilitarianism theory in business ethics

30 September 2024   14:14 Diperbarui: 30 September 2024   16:35 12
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Business ethics is the branch of practical ethics, which governs moral fundamentals in the business world, encompassing how companies interact with employees, customers, and shareholders, as well as how they deal with social and environmental issues. Business ethics are important discussed because companies not only focus on profit, but also have a social responsibility to operate fairly and sustainably.

Definition of Utilitarianism Theory

The theory of utilitarianism is one of the theories of ethics that emphasizes the effects or outcomes of deeds, with the goal of maximizing happiness for the largest possible number of people. The basic tenet of the theory is known as "the greatest happiness for the greatest number," meaning that an action is considered morally right if it provides the greatest benefit to many people.

Utilitarianism, as a theory of ethics in business, judges the morality of actions based on the greatest benefit to the majority. Ethical decisions are those that have a positive impact for many parties. For example, when a company relocates a factory to a country with lower labor costs, despite reducing jobs in the home country, this move is considered beneficial if it results in greater profits for the company and shareholders, as well as creating new jobs in the new location.

In utilitarianism, there are two main types:

* Utilitarianism of action judges morality based on each individual action and its impact on the well-being of others. In other words, each action must be analyzed separately to determine if it produces the greatest benefits.

* utilitarianism of the act of judging morality by following general rules that, if adhered to consistently, will produce the greatest happiness. Penerapan Utilitarianisme dalam Etika Bisnis

The principle of utilitarianism is applied in business decision-making taking into account the impact on the well-being of many parties. Decisions are judged on the resulting benefits for the company, shareholders, employees, and society. For example, relocating a factory to a country with lower labor costs can be considered utilitarian if it generates profits for shareholders, creates more jobs, and supports the growth of the company, even though it harms some workers at the old location. Another example is a company's environmental policies that reduce carbon emissions, despite additional costs, because their long-term benefits to society and the environment outweigh the short-term losses.

Utilitarianism can be a useful guide in business decision making because it focuses on the greatest benefits for the majority, helping companies evaluate the impact of decisions on various parties. By prioritizing collective welfare, the theory encourages measures that benefit shareholders, employees, and society. However, utilitarianism also has limitations, such as ignoring individual rights and prioritizing the end result over the ethical process. Decisions that benefit the many can be detrimental to a minority of parties, creating injustice. Therefore, although utilitarianism is beneficial, it is important for companies to consider other ethical approaches in order for decisions to be more equitable and sustainable.

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Nama : Gemini Puspa Melati Pakpahan¹, Yayang²

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