Bandung now commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Asian-African Conference which is very historic and become an annual commemoration that surrounds West Java province even the most monumental icons that resonate globally. Because this small town was first planned just to be stopover city, thus Bandung’s road since the beginning is relatively not wide. The cool air of Bandung is still there even the weather conditions now is heating up, there is a difference from how it was before. Recently many people from Jakarta come to Bandung for leisure, culinary weekend destination. As well as forAsia African Conference 60thafter they first arrival in Jakarta they will be in Bandung city.
Asian-African Conference held in 1955 during the reign of President Soekarno, Indonesia is just one decade (10 years) experiencing its independence, the 60th anniversary of the AAC now the nation of Indonesia already feel 70 years of Independence which will be celebrated next August 17, 2015.At the recent commemoration of KAAmuch difference are supposed to be found since the past KAA, which now should contains a leap of progress. That show the evidence of rapid progress of this nation. If in the past decade many people suffered from poor as a result of colonialism, now citizens of Indonesia supposed to be already prosperous. Even the well-being of family values ​​plus the happiness index should be owned by every family in Indonesia.
There are Prosperity and happiness , in where people earn income in accordance with the level of economic and social conditions and lifestyles as employees or as entrepreneurs. The government that governs the state and its citizens governance also successfully led the citizens and able to organize management of government in facilitating the public interest in all sectors related duties. The 60th anniversary of the AAC now give someeffects to the citizens ofBandung West Java province or nationally, surely it become the hope and desire of the community and the citizens of the province of West Java city of Bandung especially. Physically the city mayor has made the atmosphere and made aesthetic conditioning at beautiful parks, sidewalks, square of Bandung city, street trees and buildings around the Heritages in Asia and Africa street, also the stage events for various ceremonial sessions andperforming arts for the invited guests. Perhaps it need to be realized by many citizens too, whether they also support AAC event by cleaning up their homes and beautify the environment itself, it should be done by those who are in accordance with the wishes of the mayor of Bandung.
Presumably it is incomplete if we do not compare health care and education facilities for the citizens of the city of Bandung during the early decades of AAC year 1955, when it was only 3 locations of health care for the citizens of Bandung, RS Situsaeur (Now Immanuel Hospital in Jl Kopo), Hospital Santo Borromeo in Jalan Dago, and Hospital Chung Hua I Yuen (now known as RS Kebonjati). The Famous university is Bandung Technische Hooge School (now ITB). West Java now has a number of hospitals and state and private universities are a favorite and attracted many students. Spreading the establishment of the University has been expanding into the region in the province of West Java, and Cirebon with the character of the historical development of Chinese Islamic city is famous with Wali Songo. Nadhalatul University Scholars Cirebon which its Rector is Prof. Dr. KH.Said Aqil Siradj, MA who is also as Chairman of NU who are planning a collaboration to realize goal of Gus Dur / former 4th President of Indonesia that is to build Hospital in West Java province. In connection with the 60th anniversary of the AAC, with the theme of the Asian-African solidarity, NU movement makes the program in cooperation with Asian and African countries, now already began a relationship with education and health as an essential requirement of the Nahdliyin and society course. Cirebon UNU has made concrete steps in a Memorandum of Understanding with Hebei Normal University in Shijiazhuang city of Hebei province of China. UNU Cirebon who supervised the Cahaya Putra Bangsa Foundation make cooperation with the Kawaluyaan Foundation Chung Hua I Yuen Hospital (RS Kebonjati) wants to build the Faculty of Eastern Medicine, where students will practice the profession program at Chung Hua I Yuen Hospital. This signifies the unity effort harmony among Chinese ethnic with Nahdlatul Ulama community in education and health care community at large.
Asian solidarity reflected in this effort because the courses of the Faculty of Eastern Medicine at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Cirebon supported by China Shijiazhuang Hebei Medical College. Asian-African solidarity . This Jargon was not stop in the writings and just words alone on a large ceremonial commemoration of CAA of 60th, but it needs to be a clear manifestation of community organizations with complementary joint hand in hand for the betterment of human welfare of humanity, towards a better quality of life, socially, economically , politics and culture. Actually when the cooperation agenda discussed in China, the Hebei Normal University offers an idea about establishment of the Center for Cultural Studies at the UNU China Cirebon, because characteristics of Islamic Chinese acculturation has drawn interests for research efforts on both sides, so that this idea can be increased to be Chinese Cultural Center that needs to be done as a Government to Government collaboration later. This opportunity should be taken positively for the future of the country's rapid development. Collaboration between NUand China is an opportunity for us to learn and work together for our nation to go forward together for the sake of world peace efforts.
Author: Gai SuhardjaSocial Solidarity Movement
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