Membaca dan menulis hanya ingin tahu kebodohanku sendiri. Karena semakin banyak membaca, akan terlihat betapa masih bodohnya aku ini. Dengan menulis aku bisa sedikit mengurangi beban itu. Salam, i love you full.....
in my graduation in senior high school, my teacher said,"THIS IS YOUR FIRST SUCCESS". It means that my success there is the second, third and to be continued will be I get. Amieenn,.
The Official Page of Dewa Klasik Alexander. \r\n\r\nSocial Activist, Entrepreneur, Creative Thinker, Branding & Digital Marketing Consultant.\r\n\r\nPray, Plan and Play the best. \r\n\r\nLive by miracle, favor and grace of Jesus Christ. \r\n\r\nLiving to know Jesus Christ, dying to make Him known.\r\n\r\nMy main projects : Innovate nothing to be something, develop nobody to be somebody! \r\n\r\nCP: