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Fury (2014)

9 Mei 2019   10:35 Diperbarui: 9 Mei 2019   10:42 29
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Film. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Martin Lopez

Fury (2014) is an action-war movie. Fury takes place in Germany around World War II.  The opening title cards state that it is April 1945, and the Allies have entered Germany. The Nazis have become desperate and are forcing every man, woman and child to join the military. Though the Nazis are clearly losing, fighting continues, and the US tanks are often overpowered by the German technologically-superior 60-ton Tiger and 70-ton Tiger II tanks. It tells about the life of five men which united in a tank called Fury. The gang's leader is Staff Sergeant Don "Wardaddy" Collier. Boyd, or Bible, is handling the tank's main fire. Grady is responsible for the ammo. Gordo drives the tank and shooting one of the bows MG as well. Norman "Machine" Ellison, the youngest of them all, is handling the other bow MG. Other than Norman, four of them have been through many wars opposing Germany, started in Africa. It makes Don the toughest among them.

The scenes are showing destroyed cities, bodies everywhere, blood, vehicles, tanks, weapons, ammo, fire, and a lot of more profane language are used in this movie; both in Deutsch and English. The Nazis are desperate enough so they use everything to fight against the Allies. They even use children, boys and girls to join the military. They are clearly outnumbered and outmaneuvered from the Allies but are not they hard-headed, are they?

The Wardaddy seems the one who has the voice because he is the one who takes control in fields. He teaches Norman, who cannot kill even an ant, to shoot a German trooper. He then gives him a touching speech about the war they are in. He tells and shows him the bodies, that that is what men can do to other men; that this is a war of ideology. He says that ideology is peaceful but history is violent. Those who are trapped in the war-fields can do nothing but fight back. They only have two choices; killing the enemies (who probably do not really aware about the ideologies) or get killed.

This movie is also subtly sending a message of white supremacy, as there is not a single black man is involved in this movie. The only person with different race and different language is Gordo, he is a Hispanic and speaks Spanish in the beginning of the movie. The movie ends with the winning of the Allies, which are the white people.

For the conclusion, Fury (2014) is a heartbreaking movie about the life of US soldiers in the battlefields. They are forced to kill other men and watch their friends die one by one. What is the meaning of victory if you are broken.

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