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Ilmu Sosbud

Proving The Communitys Economy by Utilizing Plastic Waste

18 Januari 2023   19:20 Diperbarui: 18 Januari 2023   19:24 118
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

It is well known that handling plastic waste is a task that requires more work.  This is because plastic waste takes longer to decompose than other waste.  Various policies from the Government have been carried out so that people want to reduce the use of plastic for daily activities.  Examples of reducing plastic content in a product, paying for plastic bags, using plastic with environmentally friendly materials, and so on.  Plastic waste that has been used will cause problems for the environment, such as water and soil pollution.
Then the plastic waste that is burned will pollute the air.  This is because the results of burning plastic waste will cause global warming.This plastic waste must be recycled so that it is more useful and can also reduce the environmental impact it causes. Plastic was originally a solution for the utilization of paper waste.  Paper itself uses wood as its basic material, so its production is worrying because it eats a lot of trees in the forest.  Then came the plastic as a solution.  The use of plastic that is easy and not burdensome makes many people switch to using plastic.  The use of plastic is increasingly uncontrolled so that it pollutes the environment a lot.  Plastic waste is the second largest waste after organic waste.
Founder and Chairperson of Parahita Mulung, Yansyah, said that plastic waste or used plastic packaging has considerable economic value.  One product that is worth fighting for is a cell phone case made from plastic waste.This innovation is motivated by the fact that mobile phones have become a necessity for everyone.  It is almost certain that at least every house must have a cellphone.  By utilizing plastic waste to be used as cellphone cases, in addition to the economic benefits that can be obtained, it can also help reduce plastic waste in Indonesia. In addition to using plastic waste, so that the cellphone case looks more elegant, innovation can be done by adding carvings
One way to reduce plastic waste is to recycle it into products that are ready to be reused, for example by recycling cell phone cases.  With cheap capital, plastic waste can be an item that produces maximum profit

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