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Firza Isna Yudha Atmaja
Firza Isna Yudha Atmaja Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa

Saya seorang mahasiswa S1 jurusan Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis di Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas. Saya salah satu penerima beasiswa di Universitas Hayam Wuruk Perbanas. Saya merupakan orang yang menarik dan senang bekerja secara tim maupun individu. Sebagai mahasiswa yang cepat tanggap, saya mudah mendapat teman baru dan sangat aktif di berbagai kegiatan di dalam dan di luar kampus. Selain itu, saya memiliki sikap yang ramah, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan selalu mencari pengalaman baru. Selalu termotivasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan softskills maupun hardskill, seperti mengikuti volunteer, komunitas/organisasi dan melakukan projek sosial. Saya suka belajar hal baru dan menjadi pribadi yang komunikatif, bekerja keras, disiplin serta memiliki kemampuan critical thinking.



Ilmu Sosbud

Rural Microeconomics Based On Digital

15 Agustus 2022   15:25 Diperbarui: 15 Agustus 2022   15:47 76
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Ladies and Gentlemen

The developments of information technology have been entered Not only in urban areas, but also in rural areas. People in rural areas are currently doing a lot of their business through the digital economy. The impact of digitalization in rural areas can create a small-scale digital economy. 

From this impact, rural communities who run businesses can promote their products easily through WhatsApp status, telegram group, Facebook, and Instagram. For the real example, a seller of boba blonceng soft drink products, market and promote this product through the media account.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Broadly speaking, if we use the SWOT analysis method for the businesses of rural communities through small-scale digital businesses have several assessments that must be considered. The advantages of a small-scale digital economy in a village are:

  • The business can be managed independently at any time (24 hours),
  • It can market to the customers more effectively and efficiently,
  • It doesn't require large costs.

And for the disadvantages are: frequent fraud occurs due to the absence of legal clarity between the seller and the buyer, and the absence of goods delivery services, but it can be done by Cash on Delivery (COD) by the seller himself.

Ladies and Gentlemen

It is undeniable that every business in the present era must be sensitive and start using technology for more effectively engage the customers. The power of the internet is not just for chatting and playing games, but it can be used as a new business opportunity. So, as a rural community must use the technology to develop their small-scale business into the digital economy and it's called Rural Microeconomics Based on Digital

Well, I think it's enough from me. That's all my speech. Thank you for your attention and see you next time.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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