>> Lahir 11 Mei 1986. Aktifis HMI Cabang Jogjakarta, Independen, dan calon mahasiswa pasca sarjana Al-Azhar-Kairo. Pernah belajar di MA Tebu Ireng (lulus 2004), Sastra Arab di UIN Jogjakarta (lulus 2009). Prinsip: Fundamentalis-Pluralis. I Love U All
Pengamat politik Turki dan Timur Tengah.
Moto: Langit adalah atapku, bumi adalah pijakanku. hidup adalah sajadah panjang hingga aku mati.
Email: ratu_kalingga@yahoo.co.id IG dan Twitter: @muthiahalhasany fanpage: Muthiah Alhasany"s Journal
I believe, writing can change the people's life. Though it is not the only factors, yet it plays very important role, at least for me. I find new people, express ideas, communications, arts and profesionalism, through Writing. Last but not least, happiness. What else could I say?