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Fina Azizah D
Fina Azizah D Mohon Tunggu... Pelajar Sekolah - PASCA SARJANA UIN SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG

Fina Azizah Dantika. Lahir di Sumedang, tanggal 16 Desember 1997,merupakan anak ketiga dari orangtua yang luar biasa hebat. Tsanawiyyah/MTS Al-Furqon Tahun 2010, Madrasah Aliyah Swasta/MAS Darussalam Tahun 2013, Kuliah S-1 di STAI PERSIS BANDUNG Jurusan PAI, Lulus Tahun 2022 dan sekarang kuliah S-2 di Prasarjana Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung masuk melalui Jalur Mandiri. Motivasi masuk ke S2 MPI UIN SGD : Ingin mengembangkan ilmu dalam dunia pendidikan dan menunjang cita-cita yang diharapkan sebagai Dosen Pendidikan.



Ilmu Sosbud

Market Day Means Enterpreneurship for Student

17 Mei 2024   15:00 Diperbarui: 17 Mei 2024   15:00 149
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6 Al-farabi 2024 Al Kenzie Primary School 

Market day means enterpreneurship for student is one of the facilities provided to develop an enterpreneurial spirit. Building this enterpreneurial spirit is one of the dimensions and goals of forming students with a Pancasila Profile. 

Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed his grace and Inayah for the establishment of the Expo Project Activity to Strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile for Student Profile for Student at Al Kenzie School, Bandung. 

The aim of carrying out the Expo Activities  for strengthening the Profile of Pancasila student is to increase the spirit of creativity and cooperation of student at Al Kenzie Elementary School. Apart from that, it is also on opportunity to develop and increase the profile of Pancasila Student. So, it is necessary to hold an Expo Project for Stengthening the Profile of Pancasila students. 

The Pancasila student profile strengthening project Expo activity is held once a semester at Al Kenzie Elementary School. For this reason, input, criticism and suggestions for improvement can be provided. Hopefully this Expo P5 activity can provide information, motivation for student and be useful for schools pr institutions as well as parents and the community. Finally, we would like to thank and give appreciation to all parties who have contributed to the perfection of the Expo project activities for strengthening the profile of Pancasila students. 

Expo P5 activities carry the theme "Market day". This market day activity is intended as an effort to realize the talents of SD Al Kenzie student in the field of enterpreneurship, especially in school environment. Apart from that, market days  are held as part of the intoduction of economic activities according to themes and sub-themes in certain classes in the 2023/2024 academic year. 

This market day aims to : 

1. Helping students to be able to develop and implement an attitude of faith, devotion to God Almighty, mutual cooperation, and creativity as a sustainable lifestyle. 

2. Helping to foster an innovatitive, creative and solution spirit. 

3. Helping to foster an enterpreneurial spirit in student. 

4. Helping foster an attitude of patience, perserverance and responsibility for the tasks given.

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