Talking about schools certainly can't be separated from management, evaluation and supervision. Coaching and professional development is not only carried out by national education administrators, but also by school principals, as well as the strateguc role of educatinal supervisors or supervisors as functinal positions. Therefore, supervisor behavior influences teacher behavior and individual behavior causes changes in student behavior. In monitoring and evaluating that education.
(Berbicara mengenai sekolah tentunya tidak bisa dipisahkan dari manajemen evaluasi dan pengawasan. pembinaan dan oengembangan profesi tidak hanya dilakukan oleh penyelenggara pendidikan nasional, tetapi juga oleh kepala sekolah, serta peran strategis pengawas atau supervisor pendidikan sebagai jabatan fungsional. Oleh karena itu, perilaku pengawas mempengaruhi perilaku guru dan perilaku individu menyebabkan perubahan perilaku siswa.)
However, there are several things that have just become known, namely :Â
First : Dimensions of Educational Monitoring and Evaluation.Â
Dimensions are a comprehensive intructional framework to assist educators in planning the learning experiences that will be presented to their students. In educational supervision and evaluation, dimensions are divided into four, including : Support, Trust, Challenge and Networking and collaboration (developing network and collaboration).Â
Second : Types of Educational Monitoring and Evaluation.
In term of focus, control can be divided into preliminary, concurrent and feedback control.Â
Third : Principles of Educational Supervision and EvaluationÂ
Effective supervision has two main principles, namely "the existence of a certain plan and the provision of intructions and authority to subordinates". In carrying pur supervision and evaluation, we should pay attention to the following things : Comprehensive, comparative, continuous or continuous, objective, valid, functional, diagnostic.Â
Fourth : Scope of Educational Monitoring and Evaluation Management