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UNNES'21 Student



Ilmu Sosbud

Hortatory Text: The Bad Impact of Thrifting

9 Juni 2023   07:21 Diperbarui: 9 Juni 2023   07:33 349
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Source: Folio Illustration Agency

Thrifting is an activity of buying used clothes. The thrifting business has developed from an offline store to several online shops opening a thrifting business. Indonesians really like thrifting because, according to them, thrifting clothes have good quality and brands at low prices. But thrifting can trigger harmful effects.

Currently, many Indonesians buy used clothes or thrive through offline stores, which can affect the country's economy. When people buy a lot of used clothes, Indonesia's clothing industry will experience difficulties developing. A decrease in turnover and bankruptcy will occur if the convection industry is challenging to create.

Thrifting of used clothing is quite dangerous for health because it is susceptible to infection with mold fungi. If people are exposed to this mold, it will cause health problems such as itching, irritation, or even infection. The mold that is on clothes will be challenging to remove.

We have to stop opening thrifting businesses and buying used clothes because that will harm the country's economy and health. Start buying authentic garments produced by the convection industry in Indonesia.

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